Another quarrel in the liberal party broke out in social networks five days ago and should be podstaknuce. But it involved so many thinking citizens that now the damping of the question. It seems, on the contrary, the liberals again quarrel to the death, how they happened more than once.
Began this quarrel with the fact that Navalny has refused to consider Ivan Safronov, a journalist because he went to work in the “Roscosmos” to PR Rogozin, the enemy of liberals.
Ivan Safronov stood Ivan Golunov, which explained the Bulk that Safronov still a journalist, and as proof listed a lot of articles Safronova, details of which Navalny himself has repeatedly used in his revelations.
In response, Navalny remembered how last summer the liberal community harnessed for Golunova, arrested for planted drugs on him, and he Golunov, when freed, went to drink with friends wine instead to go to the rally against police brutality, as did Bulk, which at this meeting was even arrested, though not for long.
Then Golunov posted a screenshot of his old correspondence with Navalny. Bulk there Golunova was reproached for the fact that he published some revelatory article at the wrong time, when it failed to attract a lot of attention and raised a lot of noise. “You did the investigation, which could reduce the rating of EP in Moscow on 3-4% and released it as the passing material. It would be better for us to do, we would … somehow issued aggressive. – Navalny wrote. – In short eeeh. But you’re still good for you.”
My post with this screenshot Golunov titled as “A. A. Navalny on the aims and objectives of journalism.” Because of the Bulk of the letter was quite clear that he believes journalists are nothing more than a subservient political forces. There are journalists who serve the power, and there are journalists who support the opposition. But in any case, they attendants.
In fact, journalists have a completely different task. They should inform the public about what’s going on, and do it as fully and objectively.
Political forces may use the extracted information or use. But journalists are not responsible for how it will be used and by whom. They produce and bring it to people, that’s all they have to do.
to remain objective, it is therefore better to stay away from political activity. Yes, and they do not have the necessary skills and knowledge to raise the people and lead. Don’t know how they do. Don’t need to know.
Navalny and his supporters should understand this better than anyone. But, it turns out, I do not understand.
navalnisty do after posting a screenshot fiercely attacked in social networks to Golunova, berating the publication of personal correspondence: well everything is now no more than you would trust any one source. However, they unanimously ignored the overwhelming coming out of the Bulk contained in his letter Golunova to which it is applied exactly like the attendants. To the servant.
similarly, the Bulk came and Safronov. Used his work, not bothering to even look at the name of the author. And then casually poured this author shit, ignoring the fact that he is behind bars, and to kick – actually not very nice.
Everything seems okay with it. However, in the liberal party there are journalists who are not discouraging this attitude. They continue to watch the Bulk with admiration.
Perhaps, cease, when it comes to them finally, that in his eyes they staff. Just like driver, cleaner, waiter.
and, perhaps, will not come, and they would be greatly appreciated to catch from his lips the indulgent praise: “Eeeeh, today you don’t me very well served, brother. But still well done.”