Familiar now the State Russian Museum was founded on 13 April (old style) 1895 inscribed by the highest decree of Emperor Nicholas II “On the establishment of a specific establishment entitled “the Russian Museum of Emperor Alexander III” and the performance for this purpose, acquired in the Treasury of the Mikhailovsky Palace, with all belonging to him wings, services and garden”. From this day the Museum opened only three years, counts its existence. The next anniversary date meets the Museum closed, but this does not prevent him to accept congratulations. Observer “Kommersant” Kira Dolinina believes that uneven figure and today the silence of the Museum halls is a great reason to take stock of the period that has elapsed since the noisy and brave the 100th anniversary of the Museum.Anniversary celebrations now a virtual: home page of GRM you’ll find the video greetings to the Museum, written by the Directors of main and the lesser museums in the country, famous and not-so actors, musicians and media persons. Here reigns peace and harmony: celebrant all praise, love and thanks for what he is. The difference mainly consists in the fact, against which a recorded greeting. In the country the quarantine, and who, as Director of the Pushkin Museum of fine arts Marina Loshak is removed, sitting on a richly decorated bed, someone like the Director of the Tretyakov gallery Zelfira Tregulova, choose a neutral wall behind her, other decoration is revered bookshelf, and yet others say, not letting go of the musical instruments. This choir is beautiful and pompous.With his appearance for Russian fine art has recognized the right to the Moscow public attention and public patronage. In 1895 Nicholas II, citing the will of “the unforgettable parent” Alexander III, by his decree ordered to establish a Museum of national art.Of course, the idea of such a Museum was visited by the most different strata of Russian society before. However, immediately after the victory over Napoleon, when in the heat of Patriotic feelings for the first time there were calls to create a collection of Russian art, the Museum was not opened. Yes, and to go to him especially was no one. But by the end of the century the expectation of a purely Russian Museum was as universal as the expectation of the Russian Constitution. However, to create a Museum was much easier.For the Museum from the heirs of Grand Duchess Catherine Mikhailovna was purchased the Mikhailovsky Palace. In the three years that separated the decree and the opening of the Museum, architect Svinyin managed more or less successfully to reshape the interiors of the Palace, adapting premises for Museum purposes.Sources of income were several: from the Hermitage and the Winter Palace has been almost entirely a gallery of paintings of the Russian school; the Academy of fine arts Museum gave some of his paintings, sculptures and graphic collections; the Academy also has a swimming��d gave the Museum of Christian antiquities. In addition, you purchased the collection of Prince Lobanov-Rostovsky donated part of the collection of Princess Tenisheva and transported from the Tsarskoye Selo Alexander Palace is the personal collection of Alexander III.With a difference of six years opened been transferred to Moscow, the Tretyakov gallery and the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg. The first was conceived mainly as a gallery of modern painting, the second one immediately claimed the role of the Museum is all Russian art as a whole. The famous Soviet redistribution of artistic values almost equalized both museums, dooming them to perpetual rivalry in all possible categories — from the owner of the best collection of an artist to the main Museum of Russian art.Today, the rivalry is not as great, the Tretyakov gallery is located in the capital, and that’s it — close to the Kremlin to the number of wealthy sponsors. Russian Museum is also not without wings, in this sense, but in attendance Muscovites to be in 2019 timing was attended by almost 500 thousand less than the Tretyakov gallery (according to the rating of the newspaper the Art Newspaper Russia). But let’s not quibble, over 2 million visitors per year — unthinkable just a quarter of a century ago figures. To understand the ways that the Museum has passed from your previous anniversary in 1996, they are not interesting. From rich repositories with modest management and, with the exception of the Hermitage and the Pushkin Museum, little known abroad, they have become ubiquitous octopus, the branches and new halls which are spread across the country and the world. The Pushkin Museum and the Tretyakov gallery has changed the Directors, the old Soviet guard moved extremely ambitious and professional appointees.Director of the Russian Museum since 1988, is the selected team (who still today can boast!) Vladimir Gusev, the main feats which belong to the late 1980’s-early 1990-ies, when he was able to attach to the Museum three magnificent Palace (Marble Palace, Mikhailovsky castle, Stroganovsky Palace), and then another, and a Summer garden. Consistently sitting near him on the post of Deputy Director for science and Yevgeny Petrov. All the squiggle Museum is in order. But in the press all the past 25 years, GRM has increasingly held the office of judicial records and scandals. Critics from one year to write that the constant exposition of the Museum — it’s a shame and horror, because it does not have a tenth of the things that could be responsible for the history of Russian art of XX century: whether they walk through the exhibitions (the Russian avant-garde), or just hands and the reach (modern art), but for the domestic history of art it is necessary to go to Moscow. Here, however, it is possible to refer to the fact that it is a matter of taste. Reached the courts not once, but a history of the transfer of Toropetsky icon of Mother of God on the “temporary storage”in the newly built Church of Alexander Nevsky in 2009, eight years later, Gusev called the same “its a mistake” that won’t prevent him to try to lobby for the extradition of the same businessman another famous icon — “angel Golden hair”. To discourage its employees was only after the big scandal. Within a few months, as two members of the Museum have filed a lawsuit against the Museum in connection with their plans for the reconstruction of the Mikhailovsky Palace, which would result in damage to the monument. The Museum has lost court. Today the other staff members are asking the public for help — on the brink of destruction is a unique repository of frames in timing. The Director of the Museum, as always, sees no problem. Sarcastic journalist and one of the plaintiffs in the case of the reconstruction of the Mikhailovsky Palace, Mikhail Zolotonosov, found a beautiful quote about this: “once said of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, the best way to celebrate the anniversary of the revolution is to talk about the shortcomings”. This is just our case. Hero of the day-our sick, exhibition blockbusters and expensive catalogs, which contain the same “card” about the same things, the picture is not correct. Rare intellectual breakthroughs in the form of an exhibition or conference papers and reports employees make us to love and respect their authors, but the Museum is already very stuffy. And he is definitely worthy of a better fate.
National anticipation The Russian Museum 125 years