an international group of scientists conducted a study and came to the conclusion that to combat a severe form COVID-19, it is necessary to use nanoparticles based on the adenosine. The results of their work with a detailed description published in Science Advances.
In the scientific article we are talking about what to suppress giperosmolarna reactions in body tissues, researchers have used nanoparticles containing multiple drugs: adenosis and squalene. These preparations were placed in a molecule of alpha-tocopherol (antioxidant that is a form of vitamin E).
it is Reported that with the help of nanoparticles, the specialists were able to reduce the level of the main proinflammatory cytokine. The improvement was immediate: within 4 hours of the positive changes observed in all organs, including kidneys and lungs where there is inflammation.
Scientists said that the results of the experiments are encouraging, but at the moment the experience was conducted only on mice.
Read the article: “COVID-19 was worse than the dangerous forms of influenza”