Some schools and institutions may open 15. april, while others must have the a little longer run, mean KL-president.

Although there is a lot that is expected to be organized, to school, day-care centres and fritidsordninger can open after easter, will it be possible for some to make space for the kids already from 15. april.

It assesses the Jacob Bundsgaard (S), who is the president of Local government Denmark (KL) and the mayor of Aarhus.

– I think that in the vast majority of municipalities will be such that there is available which opens.

– I know my own municipality of best, and here you are already far in their efforts to re-open. You have extra cleaners, and you have made a reflection on how the academic pedagogical and educational work.

There will also be places where you have to have a little longer run before you are ready to comply with all the recommendations and requirements from the public health side, says Jacob Bundsgaard.

Prime minister Mette Frederiksen (S) presented at a press conference on Monday evening, “the first step” in a slow reopening of the society and the economy.

the Government wants, that it is pasningstilbuddene for children and the smallest primary and lower secondary schools, which get the opportunity to get back to everyday life first. And already from Wednesday next week – if this is assessed to be medical soundly in limiting the spread of infection with corona virus.

The assessment is, however, ultimately not up to the government but to the municipal council in each municipality, which must determine this from the authorities ‘ guidelines.

In Skolelederforeningen vice-president Dorte Andreas agree that not all schools will be ready from 15. april.

For working with the reopening will only be able to be fixed when they get the guidelines.

– There are major logistical challenges and large differences between the individual schools the opportunities and framework, so there will be variations from school to school, how we can handle the task, says Dorte Andreas.

She adds that special cleaning and the distribution of pupils is a challenge, solutions need to be found.

The age groups, there will only be posted in the institution again, Jacob Bundsgaard not enter on, since it lies with the individual municipalities.

But certain it is, that schools and day care centers should be ready to take custody of the children, who show up, once they are open, reads it.

– We will not experience that all the children are going to meet in the first day. It will probably be a gradual phasing.

– But basically it is so that when you open the day care, then they open up, and so have the parents the opportunity to have their children cared for, says Jacob Bundsgaard.
