In the center of the scandal was 59-year-old former Deputy Ambassador of the DPRK in London Tae Yong Ho and 38-year-old Chi sun Ho, who became North Korea’s disabled, but managed to escape. Both first drew attention to the fact that we were able to enter the Parliament from the conservative opposition party. While Tae was the first in the history of South Korea by a defector from North Korea who made it to Parliament, winning in single-mandate constituency and conducting a proper election campaign. Chi got the Deputy badge on party lists.

don’t have time to lie down gossip and controversy over the fact that a former DPRK nationals among the parliamentarians as they were back in the spotlight, and did so consciously. When the leader of the DPRK Kim Jong UN recently disappeared from sight, and have provoked speculation about his illness or death, Tae Yong Ho and Chi sun Ho definitely claimed that Kim “really bad”. Tae said that at least the North Korean leader “can’t get out of bed” and can’t govern. Chi even said that “with a probability of 99 percent, Kim Jong-UN is dead” and promised that the second or third of may, the DPRK authorities officially declare his death.

These words drew attention to the fact that both originate from North Korea, but because, as some believe, might have their particular sources in North Korea and know a lot more. The deputies were referred to the credible and reliable sources assuring their veracity. In addition, said elected representatives, that is, powerful politicians. Another factor is the complete confidence and peremptory. When other media and sources, assuming the death of Kim Jong-UN, still used momentum like “probably”, “likely” and “could be”, the two spoke quite confidently and strongly underlined that. Even in the party, which owns and Tae Chi, some began to say that it may not be so “set up”, convinced of the absolute accuracy of their information, but the couple was adamant.

against this background, the sharp contrast was the official position of the government of South Korea that several times, too, confidently stated that Kim is fully in control of the situation, walking at his dacha on the coast, but in North Korea there are no signs of an emergency situation. It turned out that sooner or later someone will be declared a liar or at least people whom words do not trust either of this pair of deputies-deserters, or the South Korean government.

Everything in its place himself, Kim Jong-UN, who instead of the promised “death” or “helpless stay in bed,” appeared in public and took the first of may part in the opening Sunzhenskogo plant fertilizer. Kim and the self-moved, talked, and even smoked. In support of this media ToPDR showed photos and video footage. Ironically, Kim Jong-UN has opened a factory just when Chi sun Ho urged in Seoul in the death of the North Korean leader.

Immediately after this, the South Korean media, experts and politicians criticized on Tae Yong-Ho and sun Ho Chee, accusing them of irresponsible statements. However, elected representatives at first tried to wriggle out, saying that judging by Kim Jong-UN, his health there are still some problems. From them was a statement in style, “well, a little bit wrong, what is this?”.

After these maneuvers, they eventually began to press the representatives of his own party, pointing out the unacceptability of such irresponsible behaviour for members and emphasizing that they damage the image of the party as a whole. About the predictions against the DPRK, we have to admit, many mistakes, but the experts and politicians in the South do not normally use expressions about “99 percent accurate” and other representations as to its infallibility. Blame has also been put and the unwillingness to apologize.

In the end, Tae Yong Chi Ho and Seon-Ho under pressure from the leadership of his party, the media and public opinion public apology, admitting I did not fully realize how much weight their words have the status of deputies of the Parliament.

now, However, political opponents of the conservatives – the ruling party – as well as a number of representatives of the expert community, the media and the public of South Korea demand that Tae Chi and the formation of committees of the new Parliament was suspended from work in areas associated with North Korea, defence, security, international relations. According to the logic of the critics, these MPs have already proved that either intentionally, or overly trusting the sources that give false information and therefore can make bad decisions and enter people into error.

the Conservative opposition has acknowledged that their MPs have disappointed the public with their rash statements, but has strongly opposed restrictions on the activities of Tae and Chi, which are the elected parliamentarians. With this logic and agreed to some experts.

At the moment about future employment Tae Yong-Ho and sun Ho Chee, is debatable, since they obviously were going to participate in those committees that will be associated with North Korea, foreign policy and defense. Themselves the perpetrators of the scandal calmed down, getting used to the realities of politics in South Korea, the characteristics and rules of behavior which they may not have had time to understand.