Moscow took ninth place in the ranking of the most developed in the world’s ecosystems for startups. The index in the list of Startup Ecosystem research center StartupBlink was one position higher than last time.
the three leaders of the ranking are San Francisco, new York and London.
the authors of the study highlighted a number of competitive advantages of the Moscow ecosystem for startups. One of them entered the Moscow innovation cluster (MIC) is a platform for communication technology companies, large corporations, scientific and educational organizations, uniting more than four thousand participants. The experts also welcomed the joint project of MIK Agency of the Moscow innovation development and scaling startups “Moscow accelerator”. It was noted that the highest position of the capital in the rating influenced the development of networks of coworking.
According to experts StartupBlink, Moscow has a particular strength in the development of artificial intelligence and big data, as well as in the field of interaction of high technologies and creative industries.
“Moscow startup ecosystem surprised us. The city’s remarkable number of talented experts in the field of technology. The innovation Agency of Moscow is doing everything possible to show it to the world. Many countries are facing geopolitical challenges, and to the credit of the architects of the innovation ecosystem, they do not cease to link its high-tech solutions with a global context,” said the authors of the rating.
According to the authors of the Startup Ecosystem Rankings, Moscow — the centre of the creative industry of Europe, where, thanks to development of technology and innovative ideas are born. Among the most well-known startups, in addition to “Yandex” includes medical-genetic center Genotek and online service for finding performers for the solution of household and business tasks YouDo. Experts also note the Russian capital a huge potential for research in the field of artificial intelligence and big data.
in addition, the center StartupBlink has prepared a ranking of cities according to their level of activity in the development of innovative solutions to combat the pandemic coronavirus. It was headed by San Francisco, and the Russian capital took 17 th place.
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Rating Startup Ecosystem Rankings publishes research centre StartupBlink 2017. Experts estimate the development of startups ecosystems on the basis of three indicators in one hundred countries and a thousand cities in the world.
Moscow 2017 has risen in the ranking by five positions.