– Ivan V., usually school stage VSOSH takes place in September-October. Replaces whether his invitation stage?

Ivan Yashchenko: No, do not replace, but complements. We offer children in advance to try their hand. It is usually the part in the school stage is in parallel with the rapid studies and therefore is associated with a particular overload. But now students, being on distance learning, will be able to try various items, including those that had not fond of. For example, someone may consider himself a humanist, but seeing bright, interesting problems in mathematics, chemistry, biology, and interested in them.

Moscow’s Initiative was supported by Educational center “Sirius”, which will be a welcome stage for students from all over the country. Competitions in mathematics, Informatics, physics, chemistry, biology and astronomy held from April 20 to may 29.

– How is the school stage all-Russian Olympiad?

Ivan Yashchenko: unfortunately, in most regions of school stage takes place formally. And even in the capital, to 2010 more than half of the schools it is not carried out. It was held either for individual subjects or teachers simply announced the names of the children – the “winners” who, in their opinion, do well, and therefore can not be municipal, stage. This approach has deprived a huge number of guys the chance to try one myself.

In 2010, Moscow rebuilt the work on the development of talents and capitals schoolchildren Olympiad movement. From the model, in which we relied on the private elite schools, we went to the principle of “every child is talented”. And began and honestly to carry out the school stage. Already last year transferred it into electronic form. This, incidentally, allows us to give new types of jobs, but also greatly facilitate the work of the teacher: some of the task checks the computer. When I ask colleagues how to improve the contest results of the region I meet that the Foundation which kept the path at the final stage of the national Olympiad, this is not a training team, and a good bright school stage.

We are very pleased that thanks to the initiative of “Sirius” that supported the idea of Moscow, the understanding of the importance of the school stage now extends to the whole of Russia. We are well aware that in many remote areas in schools, just not teachers with the right skills, and even a teacher in any subject (when talking about astronomy or the economy). And talented people are everywhere. Not all municipalities are able to generate quality jobs. Often, the Methodist simply picks up tasks of the previous years, and not always appropriate for the child’s age.

the cooperation of the Department of education and ��auki city of Moscow, of the center of excellence centre “Sirius” – and this is and preparation tasks, and work on a technological platform that gives the chance to children from all over Russia to Express themselves, to make a move, perhaps, to a brilliant career in one of the areas associated with modern digital economy, with the priority areas for the country. We are already seeing some interest was the biology Olympics. It was attended by more than 127 thousand students.

is there a way to prepare for the invitation to the stage?

Ivan Yashchenko: On the website of the center of excellence, our contest resources can be found and the jobs of yesteryear, and training. And our online school, which we launched together with Yandex, will allow children to remotely obtain high-quality basic knowledge, without which it is very hard to show their talent.

Final VSOSH this year are canceled. Finalists – 11-graders recognized as winners. How to be 10th graders or 9th-grade pupils?

Ivan Yashchenko: In the present circumstances, the Ministry took absolutely the right decision not to risk the health of schoolchildren and their families. At the same time, it allows you to not undermine the years of work 11th graders, who next year will not be able to participate in the Olympics. Moreover, I am confident that fears “the collapse of the reception was” absolutely groundless.

And, most of all it will help the children from the regions. For example, in the national team of Moscow, in mathematics only one eleventh-grader has never before had the right to admission without examination, the situation is similar in the team in computer science. And for the guys from the regions is important, because it is more difficult to participate in the Olympic games from the list.

We wait for the official decision of the Ministry. I really hope that the diplomas will give those who went to the finals as winner of last year. Because it is impossible to reward some, and to deny the moral support of others, even if it is not necessary for admission. And, of course, waiting for the guys from 9 and 10 classes.