More than 1.8 billion times Muscovites asked for e-services since their launch in the capital. About it, said Natalya Sergunina, Deputy Mayor of Moscow. The modern digital environment of a city is the maximum applied nature and allows Muscovites to solve almost any question online. A key element of the digital ecosystem capital is the city portal Average monthly it is visited by over 20 million users. And personal accounts, it has registered more than 13 million people. you can pay for utilities, to execute documents, to use health services and more. An important part of the ecosystem is its personalization. In personal account user can track the status of rendering services, receive reminders (e.g., that is about to expire passport) and configure widgets with relevant information and services. So, the widget billing “My billing” active almost 6.5 million people widget “Health” is at 3.7 million, but the widget “Utilities” — 2.4 million residents.
since the start of 2020 in the provision of public services to citizens did not have to provide more than 70 million documents. This means that Muscovites do not need the extra time to go to any office for a certificate or other document companies have got their own by means of electronic interaction. Developed digital ecosystem has allowed Moscow to maintain a high quality of services and during a pandemic COVID-19.
this year on there are new services and capabilities. One of the major innovations — the improvement of the service catalogue. Now, to find a desired service, simply enter key words — “the doctor”, “electronic diary”, “charity” and others. In the section “My payments”, you can now create templates for recurring transactions (for example, to recharge the card) and set up auto payments (particularly for utilities).
Another useful innovation was the extension of the functionality of superservis “Help with relocation under the program of renovation”. Program participants in the personal office, by e-mail and SMS notifications about the stages of resettlement. The service announces the beginning of the resettlement house, sends letters with the offer of a new apartment and informs about every important step. people can participate in philanthropy. A special service was launched in mid-October. Among the partners of the project — the funds which support seriously ill children and adults, people with special health, the poor, and helping homeless animals. Another new service allows those who have lost PI��of omtsa, post an advertisement about the disappearance and faster to find your pet and other citizens — to help them.
City services are available not only on but in the mobile application “public Services of Moscow” and “My Moscow”. Together they have downloaded over 7.6 million times, and the audience of active users of both applications exceeds 4.1 million.
this year the app “My Moscow” became the silver prize-winner of the international competition Smart Sustainable City Awards the world organization of the smart sustainable cities (WeGO) in the category “government Efficiency”.
Also in 2020, the capital received the Runet award for a complex of decisions aimed at combating the pandemic coronavirus, was awarded the international award ASSOCIATE Awards for Excellence and was among the top 10 cities in the world according to the index of urban online services to the UN. In the ranking of the Ministry of economic development on quality of electronic services in the regions of Russia, Moscow takes the first place. Recognition of leading national and international experts once again confirms that the Russian capital is among digital cities-leaders.
the “My Moscow” won a silver medal in the competition of smart sustainable cities WeGOЦифровые projects of Moscow to fight the pandemic in the fashion industry, received the award of the Runet, the Project received an international award ASSOCIATE
Electronic tools — not only a convenient way of interaction of inhabitants with the city. Since 2011, Moscow has a city-wide contact center that allows you to get the information you need on urban topics. In 2020, the contact centre received more than 55 million calls. To cope with this load operators helps voice the robot assistant. It handles over 40 per cent of complaints and advises residents on more than 60 topics. Among them was the obtaining of public services, the status of preparedness of documents, transportation, contact city agencies, addresses and mode of operation of the centers of the “My documents”, the timing of disconnection of hot water, and others. In addition, the robot takes readings of water meters and circulation for heating.
In a mobile application “My Moscow” has begun testing voice assistant