650 reports on suspicious money flows have been in the past week as part of the antiwitwascel received. That’s more than the average. It’s going to take money from oplichtingen with surgical masks and handgels, write down The Time on Wednesday.

if you are in the antiwitwascel find all the information about the money transfer, payments, cash, payment card and other transactions, which may have to do with the criminal activities or the financing of terrorism. These reports come from over 30 industries and professions, including banks, bureaux de change, Bpost, civil-law notaries and accountants.

over The past week, with the Belgian antiwitwascel less than 650 reports toegestroomd. That’s more than the average. Normally, going to be the to get about 500 messages a week. In a given week in January, there were 400, and confirms that the antiwitwascel at The Time.

“Response to stress and fear”.

The formal economy may have ground to a halt, and during this coronacrisis, the world will remain in the money, are happy to stream. The antiwitwascel I also saw reports that are directly related to the financial crisis.

“the latest reports, it is striking that the different oplichtingen to do,” says Kris Meskens, secretary-general of the antiwitwascel. “It’s going to make any promises surgical masks or alcoholic handgels to be delivered, in which people have an amount of upfront to pay for it, but the products will be sent to you. It is, therefore, to respond to the stress and the panic among the population, to the so-called advancefeefraude to make a living.”

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