In the Internet appeared the list of the most expensive escortis Russia with their rates. In the ranking, to everyone’s surprise, was a soloist of “VIA gra” Eric Herceg, which, according to rumors, is the mistress of producer Konstantin Meladze. If you believe the insiders, to spend time with the singer costs 14 thousand dollars.

“Husband approved”: Meladze section Brezhnev

It clarifies Telegram-channel “Coop” Herceg provided sexual services to wealthy men before getting in “VIA GRU”. Now the media have seriously raised its “cost”. It is possible that the husband of Vera Brezhneva is one of Erica’s clients.

Publish from Erika Herceg (@erikaherceg) 14 Saint 2019 2:55 PDT

By the way, the artist appears in the ranking to fourth place. The first line is divided between the 33-year-old Ukrainian model Ksenia Burda, designer and model Anna Chibisova and the participant of the project “Dancing” on TNT Xenia Vorobyeva. Their fees amount to 15 thousand dollars. And the five of leaders closes Nita Kuzmina, at the time of participating in the reality show “Vacation in Mexico” – the model assesses themselves in 12 thousand dollars.

Also, the list includes Diane Malison, cool novel of Egor Creed (8 thousand dollars), not included in the “VIA gra” singer Diana Ivanitskaya (6 thousand dollars) and model Anna Aksuk (4 thousand dollars).