there was a quarantine of twenty years ago, we would not have survived. There were no food delivery services, no theaters-online, no possibility of video conferencing or telemedicine. This was stated by the participants of the conference representatives of the IT industry, which took place in the first in the country to the city for the development of innovation – Innopolis in Tatarstan, which on 9 July called for the government delegation headed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.
“the Real sector of the economy goes by the wayside, today the heroes of the day – to-digital giants, which previously never heard of. And our goal is to use as many of these companies appeared in Russia,” – said the Prime Minister and outlined in the industry bright prospects for the future, which will improve the contribution of Russia in the global IT industry.
the World is gradually moving to the digital dimension. Digital goods and services replacing the conventional industry, professions disappear, and the work of people replace the machine. Digital technology and the free exchange of open data enables new products and services. Only in the last two years, the demand for IT services grew by 50 percent.
Today, half a million Russians working in the digital industry. While this is quite a bit, but the government has plans to significantly expand the list of it specialties in the universities and every year to increase the student intake by half. According to experts of the industry, today there is a need for 220 thousands of new professionals per year, and in 2024 it will grow to 300 million annually. There is even a proposal to introduce in the Russian universities the digital Department, which would times in a week to visit the students of different specialties.
According to Michael mishustina, today Russia is on the threshold of a new leap of growth for the industry – the government will take new and unprecedented steps to support it. “Those who masters new technologies, faster growing, – said Mishustin. The talent and knowledge become new assets. Digital transformation is a chance for our country to reach new frontiers of development and provide citizens with more opportunities”.
however, Mishustin noted that it is impossible to prevent a “digital dependence” of Russia from other countries, in connection with which Russia “cannot afford to take a place among the slave countries, and therefore only one way – we must be leaders”.
After designating so many ambitious plans, the Prime Minister proceeded to the enumeration of measures of support that in the near future will bring to the industry the government to achieve “rapid development”. The measures include new tax regime and support the demand stimulation and support in innovation and assistance in start-UPS and expanding the human resource base of the industry. For example, the profit tax for IT companies will be reduced from 20 dabout 3%. The government will retain priority on the use of domestic software solutions in public procurement. In addition, it will introduce a system of grants for new IT development (up to a quarter million rubles a year). For these purposes until 2024 it will be allocated 20 billion rubles. In August will begin the selection of applicants for grants that will accelerate the release of new products to market. These measures, according to Mishustin, will allow to achieve a breakthrough in the national it industry.
representatives of the industry to breakthrough is ready. And they even say that in our country – the world’s best programmers.