the minister of Finance, Matthias Diependaele (N-VA) believes it is “totally unacceptable” that some companies, such as the moving company’s, to suddenly and for no reason, significantly higher cost of capital. “I’ve got a very unpleasant feeling,” said N-VA minister on Monday in a Radio 2 programme “The Inspector”.

now, There’s stories of moving company’s that will suddenly have a much higher cost and the risk premium returned to you. For other services, are sometimes subject to additional charges due to the coronacrisis.

According to the minister Diependaele, in some cases, however, an extra fee will be charged. “But in general, I have had a very unpleasant feel to it. I hear from a lot of shops that charge higher prices, supermarkets-that is, no further discounts allow suppliers of building materials and plots of their transportation times, two -, or three-let’s go.”

Diependaele, “We are going into Flanders, and there all hard to work with in order to work together to get out of the economic and social consequences of the crisis are to be processed. In that sense, I think that it’s completely unacceptable that no reason for the higher cost to pass on to the citizens.

the Minister, Diependaele, it will be the subject to raise with his federal colleagues, and the Economic Inspection, as they were entitled to.

SEE ALSO. Customers will begin to have higher rates to be felt in the grocery store: “We have been warned about this”
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