According to a “Business Insider” report, the federal government is considering making home offices compulsory for civil servants and employees in order to save energy in winter. Objections had come from several ministries. An alternative is to cool the rooms down to 19 degrees.
According to research by “Business Insider”, the federal government is apparently examining far-reaching measures to further save energy in its federal ministries. As several insiders confirm, a recent internal meeting of department heads responsible for the administration of a federal ministry brought up a home office obligation for civil servants and employees.
According to the proposal, all employees should work at home in winter. There were objections to this, especially from the large houses with many employees. Reason: There are not enough laptops and cell phones available to equip all officials.
According to reports, an alternative was therefore proposed: the rooms should be cooled down to 19 degrees. If that’s too cold for you, you can work from home. The background to the considerations is an ordinance by Economics and Energy Minister Robert Habeck (Greens), which includes energy-saving measures in public buildings.