a number of schools In the Chinese capital, Beijing, is testing a new temperature control system in students. As writes Daily Beijing, Monday school students started to wear electronic bracelets that inform about the health of the child teachers and parents.

the alarm Signal is transmitted when the temperature exceeds 37.2 degrees. In this case, connected to the case the police, who must ensure that the ill child was isolated, and all contact with him.

in Addition to the electronic bracelets in schools that opened their doors, used infrared scanners, which measure the temperature at the entrance to the school exit. Wearing masks also remains one of the main measures in the fight against coronavirus.

Previously, electronic bracelets have been used against the spread COVID-19. In March in Hong Kong, they were obliged to wear all who have recently returned from abroad and had to comply with the 14-day quarantine. Using these devices, the authorities tracked the movement of potential carriers of the coronavirus, whether they observe the isolation mode.