
Marituba hosted the II Community Forum: UNICEF Seal on Wednesday (12) at the Parish of Our Lady of Nazareth. The event aims to discuss actions for the comprehensive protection of children and adolescents and to strengthen the fight against child labor in Marituba.

Organized by the Municipal Secretariat of Assistance and Citizenship (Semasc) in partnership with the Municipal Health Secretariat (Sesau) and the Municipal Education Secretariat (Semed), the II Community Forum: UNICEF Seal brought together representatives from the Social Assistance Reference Centers (CRAS), the guardianship council of Marituba, and the Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (CMDCA) to discuss the actions already taken and plan for the protection of children and adolescents in the municipality.

In this sense, the forum is a moment of participatory evaluation, information exchange, and dialogue among various community members about municipal public policies for children and adolescents. Its main objective is to evaluate the municipal action plan for the rights of children and adolescents to be implemented during this edition of the UNICEF Seal.

According to the Municipal Secretary of Semasc, Joelma Reis, the Community Forum: UNICEF Seal is a way to ensure that public policies for childhood and adolescence are prioritized. “Therefore, through the discussions that will take place during the Community Forum, we will work to ensure the improvement of the municipality’s social impact indicators,” she said.

In order to protect children, Marituba has the Health in Schools Program, which contributes to the comprehensive education of students through health promotion, prevention, and care actions aimed at addressing vulnerabilities that compromise the full development of children and young people in public schools.

The Adolescents Citizenship Center (NUCA) also works to strengthen the rights of adolescents by bringing together girls and boys, aged 12 to 18, who are residents of cities participating in the UNICEF Seal. The main thematic axes of NUCA include female empowerment, sexual and reproductive rights, combating racism and violence, and climate change.

The municipality also has CRAS and CMDCA with various actions aimed at improving the quality of life of this population and protecting their rights.

From the Comus Editorial Team
Photos by: Fernando Nobre