this spring sent its employees to work in remote access, only one company out of five are willing in the future to keep this format, at least for part of the team. The reason is simple: 82% of managers believe that when performing their duties from home workers do it less effectively than in the office. I agree with that only 41% of the ordinary performers. Almost as many – 39% – believe that the benefits of their work away from the eyes of the leadership remained the same as it was before. These results showed the study conducted by the analytical center of the National Agency for financial studies (NAFI).

the study revealed that the remote format of the work in the capital and its suburbs were sent respectively 49% and 51% of the population. Mostly office workers and teachers.

reasons for the decline in production call a variety of. On the complexity of the remote address the current issues referred to 55% of the respondents. Relatives and household chores, distracted by another 24% and 22% respectively. 18% were having difficulty due to adherence to self-isolation, 16% suffered from technical problems.

improving the efficiency of remote work noted only 15% of employees. The vast majority (80%) helped by the absence of the need to get to the place of work, saved time and energy are directed at the achievement of employment outcomes.Another 63% of respondents cited the ability to shape the optimal schedule. Yet 43% of the lucky ones furnished home was more comfortable than in the office.