The Report by the French aviation investigation published, reads at first like a joke. A 64-Year-old who never sat before in a fighter plane, shot accidentally from a lost helmet and suit. The report, from the “Telegraph” quoted describes exactly how it came to the incident in the North-West of France.

The Surprise had succeeded to the colleagues of the man who was employed in the armaments industry. As a gift to the impending departure from the Job they had given him a flight in a fighter jet with a real pilot. This was even the French air force on behalf of the Ministry of defense authorized, because the man was classified according to the report, “as a VIP”. Germany bewegendster Corona Song: “Victoriam” – Listen, we support the good purpose of FOCUS Online, Germany’s bewegendster Corona Song: “Victoriam” – Listen, we support the good cause of Germany bewegendster Corona Song: “Victoriam” – Listen, we support the good cause

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, expressed, “Never desire, to such a flight

participate” Furthermore, it is said in the Report, however, that the prospective Pensioner “have never expressed the desire to be on such a flight to take part”. Since his colleagues had kept the Surprise until shortly before the flight secret, he lacked also the time to prepare. “The passenger said that he had never sat before in a fighter plane and would have had no sufficient knowledge of its properties”, – stated in the report.

The 64-Year-old took yet, in the back seat of a Rafale B fighter jets space, a 35-year-old Pilot controlled. This had 2000 hours flight experience, of which around half in Rafale-B-Jets. In the case of its flights but had sat mostly an experienced Pilot on the second space of the machine.

At 2,500 feet, the man catapulted himself accidentally out of the fighter jet

At 2,500 feet (approximately 750 meters) then happened the accident. As the 64-Year-old panicked and, according to “wanted to stabilize”, he accidentally after the trigger of the ejection seat, and catapulted from the Jet.

But that was not the end of the drama. Because he had not secured his helmet properly, he lost these when the ejection from the Jet. Also, his suit was specially tailored for combat aircraft, pilots, broke up. The man had a blessing in disguise, and landed unharmed in a field close to the German border.

a blessing in disguise: the Pilot is not ejected from the Jet and can him.

landing Lightly, the flight ended for the pilots Actually, combat aircraft Rafale-B are constructed in such a way that when the Trigger of the ejection seat, both of them passengers from the Jet can be catapulted. As the Pilot noted that the 64-Year-old was sitting behind him, feared he to be every Moment, even out of the plane thrown. But that is not, and the 35-happened-Year-old could land the Jet safely in a field. He was injured only slightly and was in shock.

the result of The report was nevertheless clear. The air force and the defense Department were asked to review their processes, the civilians allow military flights to take part. Survey shows majority of Germans with a clear mind to verhängtem prohibition of Contact FOCUS Online/Wochit survey shows: majority of Germans with a clear mind to verhängtem contact ban
