TV Presenter, doctor of medical Sciences Elena Malysheva said on a comment on Instagram that she allegedly had a conflict with the General Director of channel one Konstantin Ernst and that she had gone abroad.
“Elena, you write that you went abroad with Ernst had a fight and left us! Lie?” — I wrote the lady with the nickname birukova0706 in the comments to the post. She did not specify where she got this information.
About an hour Malysheva told her. “Every day I live on First Channel!!! You can see it!!!” she said. Presenter did not directly comment on the details of the message the wearer about foreign countries and relations with the Director of the TV channel.
In April 2019 to Konstantin Ernst for malyshevoy addressed head of the Department of osteopathy North-Western state medical University, doctor of medical Sciences Dmitry Mokhov. He demanded an apology from the presenter, who called osteopaths as representatives of nonexistent medical specialty.