
A new malt house called Maltaria Campos Gerais was recently inaugurated in Ponta Grossa, Paraná. This project is a result of a collaboration between six agricultural cooperatives, led by Cooperativa Agrária Agroindustrial, the owner of Agrária Malte. The other cooperatives involved are Bom Jesus, Capal, Castrolanda, Coopagrícola, and Frísia. Together, these cooperatives generated a total revenue of R$16.4 billion in 2020.

This new malt house is set to become the largest in the world after future expansions. Located between the municipalities of Ponta Grossa and Carambeí, it will contribute to making Paraná the largest malt producer in Brazil. With an initial production capacity of 240,000 tons per year, four out of every ten beers produced in Brazil will have Paraná malt as their main ingredient.

The total investment in Maltaria Campos Gerais amounts to R$1.6 billion in the first phase, with a projected total investment of R$3.4 billion. This investment is supported by the State Government’s incentive program. The production capacity of 240,000 tons of malt per year will meet 15% of the national market demand.

The project’s goal is to work with the cooperatives’ 13,000 members to promote barley production in Paraná and enhance research and development to support the region’s productivity. Additionally, partnerships with major breweries such as Ambev and Heineken have facilitated the construction of the malt house. Both companies have expanded their production in Ponta Grossa, increasing the demand for malt.

In addition to Maltaria Campos Gerais, Agrária is also constructing a new malt house in Guarapuava for the production of specialty malts in a joint investment of R$500 million with the German company Ireks.

Overall, the inauguration of Maltaria Campos Gerais marks a significant milestone in the development of the malt industry in Paraná, solidifying the state’s position as a key player in Brazil’s beer production sector. The collaboration between agricultural cooperatives and major breweries highlights the importance of partnerships in driving innovation and growth in the industry. With future expansions planned, the malt house is poised to become the largest in the world, further boosting the region’s economy and agricultural sector.