the news about the fourth wife, which Andrei Makarevich made in December, opened may day news. Rock master laughs at the reporters: “Before I had to move in December all happened” and refuses to share “unwanted” details of a new marriage, like the stories about the wife-the beauty, although, he was still a Tomcat – he took it out in the morning radiointerview, and now ridicules “promoshapka” sensation by the press. And not be told, so no one would know.
Weddings in the conventional sense – lush celebration, guests, flowers, tables, toasts, and songs, – the assurances not only the groom and his close friends really weren’t: “Drank in a narrow circle”. Marriage registration in Moscow, and in Israel, without pristutstvuyut the press and television cameras, and involved in a happy event “inner circle” of solidarity did not extend about another family happiness, found Andrei Vadimovich.
Behind the 66-year-old rock legend three official marriage, loud novels, three children, in General rich biography not only remarkable creative achievements and civil actions, but also achievements in his personal life.
a new wife, Mr. Makarevich talks sparingly while: a young, smart, beautiful. How young, he doesn’t remember exactly: “Not considered”. In social networks on the page Einat Klein, his wife, as found “MK”, birthday not specified, but it is really not only young but also very good. In the same way as her famous husband, no Mimino and szymanoski romantic photos with your beloved, as the very fact of marriage, Ms. Klein brags. According to her profile, she is active and independent, as any not a citizen of the Russian Federation, woman, businesswoman, founder of a travel company in Israel, specializing in the middle East and Africa, as well as the owner and even wine company.
So the “arranged marriage,” joked Andrei V., takes on very specific parameters: the wine and travel, as women, have always been powerful incentives for Mr. Makarevich after, of course, rock-music, painting, poetry, and writing. On this basis, the enhanced chemical reaction such as sympathy, apparently, happened “crossed arms, crossed legs, of crossed destiny” as would sing Alla Pugacheva poems of Boris Pasternak.
According to the meager information that, playing like a cat with mice, the musician still shared with the press, he and Einat once again, and met while traveling in Ethiopia, a trip which, apparently, involved in the company’s future wife. Judging by the posts of Ms. Klein, in addition to good wine, she’s a big fan of Vietnamese cuisine, and recently visited the Himalayas. However, Mr. Makarevich hosted 24 photos from this trip are seen. May be encrypted, or simply not began to get involved in such extreme adventure.
Pandemic coronavirus unexpectedly shared a happy young family. Andrey Makarevich managed to fly to Moscow from tel Aviv almost the last flight, and Einat, which was supposed to follow her husband a few days later, did not. Air traffic between the two countries was closed, and all the love now moved to a daily video of two lovers.
Impressed by the morning radiodisney Mr. Makarevich about the new marriage, “MK” has decided to congratulate the musician, but true to himself, Andrei V. refrained from curiosities and emotional outpourings.
Andrew, I’m not going to congratulate you with may day…
Yes, it would be superfluous.
Congratulations better with the wonderful “Response to Harry Potter Sasha Vasilyev”. Gorgeous on issues of the day song roll with the “Spleen”, as we have already written in “MK”…
– Yes, I have read, thank you.
– And second, what I would like to congratulate you – with December wedding! Despite your irony about journalists who all have missed…
And thank you for it.
Einat is a very beautiful woman, judging by her Facebook photos. But also is silent as a partisan. You made a joke that marriage of convenience. I understand that “calculation” was your passion for traveling?
Is true, Yes. You got that right. We met while traveling in Ethiopia, we continue to travel and obtain from this a lot of fun. Although you know, I really don’t like to do PR from his personal life. So let’s close the topic.
– whatever you say. Although you yourself all stirred up by telling you about a new wife in a radio interview. And everything exploded.
– it happened. I didn’t mean to. And more is not going to continue this topic.
Love and happiness to you and to steadfastly endure separation isolation!