
Majority of Texans Delayed Medical Care Due to Costs: Poll Findings

A recent survey conducted by the Houston-based Episcopal Health Foundation revealed that a majority of Texans faced challenges in accessing medical care due to financial constraints in 2023. The survey, conducted by SSRS, a national polling firm, included approximately 1,960 Texas adults and highlighted the significant impact of healthcare costs on individuals across the state.

Financial Barriers to Healthcare

According to the survey findings, 64% of respondents admitted to skipping or postponing medical treatment because they could not afford it. While this figure represents a slight improvement from the previous year, it still underscores the prevalent issue of financial barriers to healthcare in Texas. Dr. Ann Barnes, the president and CEO of Episcopal Health Foundation, emphasized the consequences of delaying preventive tests and checkups, likening it to ignoring warning signs on a road that may lead to unforeseen obstacles in the future.

The survey also revealed that nearly half of those surveyed, 47%, found affording healthcare to be somewhat or very difficult. This percentage increased to 53% among adults aged 18 to 64, indicating a higher prevalence of financial challenges in this demographic. Additionally, almost half of the respondents admitted to putting off necessary treatment, while more than a third acknowledged passing on recommended tests or procedures.

Impact on Healthcare Costs

Despite some individuals seeking medical treatment, a significant portion of respondents still struggled to cover healthcare costs. Approximately 37% of survey participants reported difficulties in affording medical expenses, highlighting the ongoing financial burden faced by many Texans. While this percentage represents an improvement from the previous year, younger adults and Black and Hispanic Texans were identified as more likely to encounter challenges in paying their medical bills.

The survey results also indicated a return to pre-pandemic patterns of healthcare access, following the disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. With most COVID-19 restrictions lifted in 2022, the number of Texans facing difficulties in affording medical care reverted to levels experienced before the pandemic. This trend underscores the persistent impact of financial constraints on healthcare access in the state.

Lack of Regular Healthcare Providers

In addition to financial barriers, a concerning number of survey respondents revealed that they did not have a regular healthcare provider. Approximately 14% of participants across all demographics reported not having a primary care provider or a usual place to seek medical treatment. This figure more than doubled to 35% among uninsured adults aged 18 to 64, highlighting the challenges faced by individuals without health insurance in accessing healthcare services.

Calls for Government Intervention

The survey findings also shed light on Texans’ perceptions of the state government’s role in expanding access to healthcare. Despite widespread support for increasing healthcare access, the majority of respondents expressed dissatisfaction with the government’s efforts in this regard. More than two-thirds, or 68%, believed that Texas leadership was not doing enough to expand access to low-income adults, while a significant portion felt that the state could do more to ensure access to healthcare for children, pregnant women, and immigrants.

Texas’ Medicaid Expansion

One key issue highlighted in the survey was Texas’ decision not to expand Medicaid coverage to include more low-income adults under the Affordable Care Act. Texas is one of only 10 states that have chosen not to expand Medicaid, despite favorable views of the program among residents. The survey underscored the potential benefits of Medicaid expansion in providing healthcare access to low-income individuals and addressing the financial challenges faced by many Texans.

Looking Ahead

As Texans continue to grapple with the financial barriers to healthcare, the survey findings serve as a reminder of the urgent need for increased access to affordable medical services. The data highlights the ongoing challenges faced by individuals in accessing necessary healthcare treatments and the critical role of government intervention in addressing these issues. By prioritizing healthcare affordability and expanding access to essential services, Texas can work towards ensuring that all residents have access to quality healthcare without facing financial burdens.