“For us to see, so I would say that the solution to your problem is right here,” says Mette Reissmann and pointing to a black car.
In Tuesday’s episode of ‘Luksusfælden’ pair Peter and Cecilia from Hvidovre difficult to afford a vuggestueplads to their daughter in three months.
The aforementioned black car costs them an average of 5000 dollars a month – money that would warm good elsewhere in the budget.
For example, to the installment on the debt of nearly 400,000 dollars, as Peter primarily stands behind. And then, of course, on the vuggestuepladsen.
But the 31-year-old Peter would not of the car, even though a sale would be able to create additional room for manoeuvre in the budget and repay the loan to no less than nine creditors.
“I prefer to keep the car, because it is a good thing to have. It is easier to trade in and get back and forth from work,” he says about the situation.
Cecilia, however, could not see any reason to keep the car. It is already her, who stands with the vast majority of the cost for his daughter Luna.
“It is our daughter. She is a human being. The car is just a thing that we can always get at a different time, when we are going to afford it,” she says and continues:
“He chooses as his daughter from in the relation to the car, I feel.”
the Couple’s dream is to get more children and move in the house, but as you can see in Tuesday’s section, living at 36 square metres and have no prospects to move, unless they make some serious choices.
Including the decision to sell the car. But will Peter?
What you can see on Viaplay and TV3 at 20.