a Manifestation of humanism from the state to citizens who have committed crimes, analysts say, the law “On Amnesty in connection with the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945”, adopted by the Belarusian Parliament.

In the document, signed by Alexander Lukashenko on may 18, according to his press service, defined categories of citizens who shall be exempt from punishment: minors, pregnant women, women, and single men with children under the age of 18 years, persons of pension age, disabled groups I and II, combat veterans, persons injured during the period of service affected by the Chernobyl disaster, as well as some other categories of convicted and accused. According to the Ministry of internal Affairs, the number of such citizens will make about 5,4 thousand people.

certain categories of prisoners, said a source in the presidential administration that are not subject to full exemption from criminal liability, provides for a reduction of sentence of deprivation or restriction of freedom on 1 year. Their number will amount to about 6.4 thousand people.

In connection with a significant historical date and guided by a humane approach, in contrast to the previous Amnesty of 2019 a group of such people expanded at the expense of citizens sentenced for corruption crimes and crimes related to illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. However, with the exception of adults convicted of drug crimes committed in an organized group or with use of laboratory equipment and caused the death of a person.

however, say commentators, the Amnesty does not allow a situation where can be compromised the interests of a stable legal order and public security. Therefore, the law clearly defines the list of categories of citizens who have committed crimes which are not covered by the Amnesty.

In particular, we are talking about persons who have committed crimes against the state, murder, grievous bodily harm, causing death, criminal acts of a sexual nature, other crimes characterized by increased social danger.

Amnesty also will not apply to persons who committed a new intentional crime, after the previous Amnesty acts or pardon, do not repay the damage caused, does not pay crime received income, has admitted especially dangerous relapse of crimes, in flagrant violation of the order of punishment.

in addition, under the act do not apply to those who are punished by the death penalty in the procedure of pardon is replaced by imprisonment or life imprisonment, or those for which the punishment inthe idea of life imprisonment is replaced by imprisonment, and convicted to life imprisonment.

the Amnesty Application, specified in the document, will be made within six months from the date of entry of this law into force, respectively, bodies and institutions, executing punishment, criminal prosecution authorities and the courts.