A Pensioner from Vienna wants to submit in March with your completed lottery ticket to a place of acceptance in Austria. But there, she finds that she has forgotten a document at home. Therefore, the 60-Year-old in the Kiosk, buys a new ticket and gives five quick tips that you wanted to play first in the next round. This is The West reported””.
60-Year-old wins exactly one Million euros
“For 30 years I play the same lottery Numbers. And then this: I’m standing in the tobacconist, wants to play the lottery ticket new, reach in the bag and it was a grasp into the Void. I had forgotten my ticket at home,” says the Pensioner from Austria as against “The West”.
But with your new lottery ticket with the Numbers the lady lands a hit. She wins exactly one Million euros. FOCUS-Online-Deal with Lotto24 jackpot Now to the Euro-offer
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Later, it turns out that the woman would not come with the tips from your first lottery ticket close to the profit they are now has made.
The profit of one Million euros is the lucky winner about a month later, on 01.April, paid off. The money you can use to plan for retirement. Another part would like to donate to the winner.
“I’m going to donate some to various social and humanitarian institutions. I would have made one way or the other, but right now, I think, is especially important,” said the 60-Year-old. FOCUS Online provides you daily with the most important messages directly from the editors. Here you can subscribe to the Newsletter easily and free of charge.
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