
Cards Against Humanity Files Lawsuit Against SpaceX Over Land Use Dispute

Cards Against Humanity, the makers of the popular adult party game, have taken legal action against SpaceX, accusing the space company of trespassing and causing damage to land owned by the game creators near the U.S.-Mexico border. The plot of land in question was purchased by Cards Against Humanity in 2017 as a means of sending a political message against former President Donald Trump’s border wall. The company used a supporter-funded campaign, with around 150,000 individuals contributing $15 each towards the acquisition of the property.

Since acquiring the land in Cameron County, Cards Against Humanity claims to have maintained it in its natural state and erected a “No Trespassing” sign around the perimeter. However, they allege that SpaceX has been unlawfully using the land for the past six months as a parking lot and storage area for their contractors, as well as dumping gravel and other debris on the property.

In response to these actions, Cards Against Humanity has filed a lawsuit against SpaceX, seeking $15 million in damages and a permanent injunction to prevent further use of the site. Despite reaching out for comment, SpaceX has not responded to inquiries from Texas Public Radio regarding the matter.

The Legal Battle Unfolds

Cards Against Humanity has created a dedicated website to bring attention to the lawsuit, highlighting their original intention of criticizing the political stance of one billionaire, only to find themselves now in conflict with another billionaire. The company’s decision to take legal action underscores their commitment to protecting their property rights and holding SpaceX accountable for their alleged trespassing and damage to the land.

The lawsuit not only revolves around the financial damages sought by Cards Against Humanity but also the principle of respecting property boundaries and upholding the rule of law. By standing up against what they perceive as an infringement on their rights, the game creators are sending a clear message that they will not tolerate unauthorized use of their land, regardless of the entity involved.

Implications and Impact

The dispute between Cards Against Humanity and SpaceX raises important questions about property rights, corporate responsibility, and the limits of billionaire influence. It sheds light on the complexities of land use in border regions and the challenges that arise when private entities clash over ownership and usage of land.

For Cards Against Humanity, this legal battle represents a stand against what they view as encroachment on their property and a violation of their original intent in purchasing the land. The outcome of the lawsuit could set a precedent for how companies like SpaceX navigate their operations in proximity to privately owned land and the consequences they may face for disregarding property boundaries.

As the case unfolds, it serves as a reminder of the power dynamics at play in disputes between corporations and individuals, highlighting the importance of legal protections for property owners and the need for accountability in cases of alleged trespassing and property damage.

In conclusion, the lawsuit filed by Cards Against Humanity against SpaceX over land use issues underscores the complexities of property rights and corporate accountability in today’s society. It raises questions about the limits of billionaire influence and the importance of upholding legal boundaries in matters of land ownership. The outcome of this legal battle will not only impact the involved parties but also set a precedent for how similar disputes are resolved in the future.