Latest theory circulating around the Oste River: Arian missing person case: Chronology of events and theories

A child disappears from his home – and apparently without a trace. From a media perspective, an event like this is not on the agenda every day. People who learn about the missing case of six-year-old Arian from Bremervörde are all the more affected. The autistic boy disappeared from his parents’ home on April 22nd and has not reappeared to date.

Although the last shots of Arian show the boy walking towards the forest, the emergency services were mainly able to find tracks near the water. A tip received on Tuesday, May 7th prompted the emergency services to start a new search operation.

A woman saw something swimming in the water of the Oste via the live stream of a webcam and passed on the suspicion that it was the boy to the police. However, investigations were unsuccessful.

Even if Arian fell into the east and drowned there, his body is particularly difficult to find due to the sometimes changing direction of the water flow. On the one hand, the Oste flows very quickly towards the ebb and ultimately the North Sea, but the flow direction also changes from time to time due to the ebb and flow.

Even if the element of water seems to be the focus of the investigation, the investigators are not ruling out other scenarios such as a child abduction or a violent crime.

An accident is also conceivable in which the boy cannot make himself known – for example, that he fell into something and can no longer get out.

Pianist Davide Martello took part in the search by trying to find the boy through his music and stated via his Instagram account on May 2nd that he had actually seen Arian looking for food. According to him, the police did not take him seriously.

Despite all their concerns, Arian’s parents ask that they not go to work with large search parties to find the six-year-old. This is mainly because the boy, due to his autistic disorder, reacts particularly shyly to people and does not allow himself to be touched by strangers. Anyone who sees him should get to his level or lie down next to him and explain in a calm voice that they are taking him home to his mother. However, the boy’s family has since carried out their own search operation.