prior To this it was only available to residents of the far Eastern Federal district. Buryatia and Transbaikalia, recall, and entered it in 2018. And the program they have started to operate since August 1, 2019. Free land the people began to build houses, to create agricultural enterprises to develop tourism.

Now in Buryatia and Transbaikalia launched the third phase – the ha will be able to get all the Russians and the program of voluntary resettlement of compatriots. And this moment was really welcome! “The last two months of calls on the procedure for obtaining hectare far East began to arrive from inhabitants of the Western part of Russia”, – said the first Deputy Minister of property and land relations of Buryatia Marina Korotich. That hectares in demand not only among local, said the practice of other far Eastern regions. For four years, program participants were more than 83 thousand people, and among them there are inhabitants of other Federal districts. Someone decided to move and build on a hectare house. And someone develops a business project.

Muscovite Nikita Kovrigin took with his family three hectares for plantation of asparagus. First it went, the climate of Primorye is unusual for Russia the culture is like, but the asparagus was too capricious. Then the farmer began growing grains for cattle. Now the parents of Nikita’s small farm.

Another Muscovite took station on the Kamchatka Peninsula together with friends in the far East. Group applications per hectare are not uncommon. To cooperate can up to 10 people. But each of them will be given not more than one hectare.

to Take the land everywhere, of course, impossible. Banned nature reserves, national parks and protection forests. In addition, each region is introduced and its limitations. In Transbaikalia to the forbidden lands took Chita, cultural heritage, archaeological sites. Most areas of “impossible” in the Northern regions where indigenous peoples live.

At the same time, the region became the first region where there is no buffer zone around the capital. It means to take the hectare with a half-hour drive from the city centre. For those who are going to build a house, it was very tempting. And such access has caused increased interest in the program.

the Agency for human capital development in the far East and in the Arctic noted that 84 percent of the TRANS-Baikal hectares are under residential construction. “We propose to consider this experience and to reduce the buffer zone”, – said General Director of the Agency Sergey Habrat.

In Buryatia to this Council listened. In early July, places to take the hectare, has increased. By the way, in Republic the most popular is acres near the capital of the region.

far Eastern hectare is available for free in used��e for five years. If the site is developed, it can be purchased or rented. Those “vectorsite”, which not developed their land or use it for other purposes, you will receive an order to eliminate violations. His failure entails a fine.