“Katie should come home”: Pensioner (82) travels twelve hours by bus every week to visit his wife in the nursing home

They have loved each other since they were teenagers. In old age they are now separated. Katie lives in a nursing home so far away that her husband Tony has to travel 12 hours by bus to visit her.

It’s a love story that moves you to tears: 82-year-old pensioner Tony McLoughlin lives on the Scottish island of Skye. His wife, Katie, is in a nursing home 130 miles away. Toni visits his Katie. Every week. It’s a 12 hour journey by bus.

McLoughlin’s wife was admitted to the care home in Dingwall 19 months ago. According to pressandjournal, Tony McLoughlin has already spent hundreds of hours on the bus between Portree, Inverness and Dingwall over almost two years to see her at the home.

Tony McLoughlin says he has loved his wife since the moment they met as teenagers in Southport, then in Lancashire. Their shared mission in life was to move to Skye, and with hard work they finally made it to the island.

All he wants now is to find a bed for his wife on the island, but no one is able to help him. Tony McLoughlin is distraught over the circumstances. “She wants to be near me and near the place we loved. But instead she is in a nursing home in Dingwall, with no one she knows. I’ve tried everything to find her a bed on the island – but no one seems to be able to help me. I’m desperate.”

The former plasterer, who moved to the island more than 35 years ago, describes himself as “exhausted, emotional and burned out” and just wants his beloved wife Kathie to “come home”.

70 years of love, 70 years of harmony. Franz and Leni W. from Rosenheim were also able to live this dream. When things got bumpy, Leni had a simple secret for happiness.

Seven-year-old Emily has cancer. So that her last weeks can be as nice as possible, her uncle from Elsdorf (Rhein-Erft district) has started a fundraising campaign.

A serious accident occurred at Berlin Central Station on Wednesday afternoon. According to the police, a woman and a child came under ICE. The woman died at the scene of the accident and the child was taken to the clinic by rescue helicopter.