
Kate Middleton shares her journey through cancer diagnosis and chemotherapy, shedding light on the good and bad days that come with the treatment. She expressed that while there are tough days where weakness and fatigue take over, there are also days where she feels stronger and wants to make the most out of feeling well.

Emphasizing the importance of taking it one day at a time, Kate mentioned that she is learning to be patient amidst the uncertainty that comes with her diagnosis. She highlighted the need to listen to her body and give herself the time necessary to heal. Her husband, Prince William, previously mentioned that Kate is on the path to recovery during a meeting with war veterans commemorating D-Day earlier in the month.

After revealing her cancer diagnosis following an abdominal surgery earlier in the year, Kate shared that she is currently undergoing treatment. Although she reassured the public of her well-being, updates on her health will not be regularly provided by the couple’s communication office. Kate will not resume public duties until her doctors give her the green light to do so.

In her recent post, Kate confirmed her participation in King Charles III’s Birthday Parade on Saturday, marking her first public appearance since the cancer announcement. Expressing her eagerness to attend the parade and potentially engage in public engagements over the summer, Kate acknowledged that she is not completely out of danger yet.

The King Charles III’s Birthday Parade is a significant official celebration in the UK’s calendar, dating back to the reign of King Charles II in the 1600s. The annual event, typically held in June, features a military parade by soldiers from the Royal Household Division. Kate expressed gratitude for the overwhelming support she and William have received during these challenging times.

Regarding her health update, Prince William shared that Kate is making progress during the D-Day celebrations. Responding to a query from a World War II veteran, William confirmed that Kate is on the road to recovery. He also shared a personal anecdote about Kate’s grandmother serving in the Army, showcasing their family’s military connections.

Kate’s openness about her cancer journey and resilience in the face of treatment have inspired many, and her decision to participate in public events while prioritizing her health serves as a testament to her strength. The support and encouragement from well-wishers have undoubtedly played a crucial role in helping Kate and William navigate through this challenging period.