The jewelry industry always stands apart from others — even during the great depression, she was one of the few that has survived the rise and not the decline and recession. The current quarantine is strongly influenced by the level of consumption, but still, relative to other areas of life and industries, jewelers feel good. Jewelry auctions set records for sales in the low and high price segments. 28 April at Sotheby’s was a new record price bracelet Cartier 1920-ies was sold for $1.3 million Jewelry give people emotional support, make up for the lack of “social strokes”, uplifting and allow to look optimistically into the future.Russian jewelers say that their relationships with clients become stronger, that the work on the collections is on the old “manufacturing method” of the late XIX — early XX century, when every artist performed his part of the work in his Studio. “Kommersant. Style” talk with the Russian brands, operating in various segments about how to build their work on the quarantine. Lisa Borzunova, founder and designer of the brand Liza Borzaya (Moscow)”For us, the quarantine has begun that I received a new injection molding machine that I wanted and it was a real gift. At first we thought that we will continue to work in the Studio, especially because in the beginning of the year we have expanded, gained more artists, started new collections. But with the introduction of quarantine gradually began to transfer workflow work home — most artists have organized a workspace at home, and now we look like old Swiss manufacture: everyone does his or her part of the house, and decoration, which had not left one room, now travels between masters. I notice the interest in the brand from international partners from USA and China. I see how alive the Chinese market with the lifting of the quarantine, and how actively they are involved in communication with clients — this creates a very positive impression and gives hope that our future is not so pessimistic as it seems, when you sit locked up”.Daria Volkova, the founder of the brand Darvol (Moscow)”From the very beginning it was clear that new economic situation will wash a significant segment of our customers — owners of small and medium-sized businesses who are interested in small and not very expensive gemstones. Therefore, the main sales we have focused on higher investment segment. The closure of the borders of Thailand, China, Bangkok and Israel, the main suppliers of colored gemstones and diamonds, led to the fact that the waiting time is “his rock” for customers has increased greatly. In fact, now we have finished all the orders that we had long ago who came to the stones and waiting for “OTKrytiya borders.” Well, that we have very understanding clients, although the issues — “why can’t the regular mail to send a diamond of 5 carats is it?” was too. And many customers have become bolder than ever before — many have started to implement their “delayed desire” perspective — “if not now, when?”Tanya Lieberman, the founder of the brand Jerusalembazar (Jerusalem)”I am constantly in touch with each of the suppliers and manufactures. For example, our Israeli production of silver did not reduce the pace of work, so some of the articles that we usually produce in Russia, moved there. Of course, they can not produce as needed for this model, elastic bands, 3d layouts, the approved samples. With ornaments, we can produce only in Russia, there was a delay, but now the production has found a way to go to a legitimate operation, and assay office, fortunately, opened its doors. Our signature collection with natural stones is made by hand in a small Studio in the South of Israel, and these artists were quarantined. In Israel, the quarantine is almost cleared, and they began urgent work. I’m trying not to push, but a new supply of jewelry with stones we need, like water in the desert. But not everything depends on us. The stones for the new collection that was supposed to go into production, a month are on the border. Just have to wait.Of course, the most active sales were, when you were discounts. Now we all miss the bestsellers and novelties, therefore we await the new collection. Meanwhile, use the time to clear of warehouses, which did not reach the hands, and planned five large liquidations in may.To communicate with the audience we use new ways “basarabenii”. For example, instead of “mark two girlfriends,” I recently asked our subscribers to tell us about our action in Stories and leave a comment under my post. In the end we got the activity under the publication and wide coverage in the Instagram loyal audience.”Olga Lokshina, founder and designer of jewelry brand MoonSwoon (Yekaterinburg)”Offline sales we, of course, lost, but with this increased online communication with customers has become more personal and close. During the quarantine they have a mutual tenderness: nearly every order is accompanied by the message “thank you, I love you” and with the other hand. It’s all very nice. We have a small cozy club. That’s the way I always wanted to see your brand and glad that this became relevant in the current situation. Now we are three small parallel lines of jewelry at different stages of readiness, which began even before the quarantine. For us it is better than one large collection. But there are problems with the timing of deliveries from suppliers. Production work, nabout slowly, so while reviewing internal organization processes. May be because my mark a little, I’m not scared… we Have the most positive feelings from the situation. “Natalya Shumakova, the founder of the brand Libelle Natasha (Ekaterinburg)”is Such a difficult situation as it is now — a test of strength for any business. During the quarantine we were able to translate the work completely in the online format, and customer relationships become more personal. Correspondence in instant messengers is now not only on the subject of prices and range, but more like a conversation friends — we share news, trends, discussing how and what to wear jewellery. We have organized a series of webinars on the subject of gemology and jewelry production, which proved to be very popular for customers and partners stores, suppliers — this was unexpected and nice. For us it was important to first keep a good mood and a sense of belonging to the beautiful, to the fairy tale, dream, beauty — that is what we have tried to make the main topic of our esters on the properties and beauty of natural stones, of jewelry, of unions of creative people. It is important to us and as it turned out, it is important to our subscribers.”Alexander Sinitsyn, the founder of the brand jewelry Jewelry Aleksandr Sinitsyn (Chelyabinsk) – “the Situation in Chelyabinsk is such that everyone who can work does. Permission from the Governor there. Assistance from the state, no one is waiting. Talked to the staff, the team decided to go to work. Try to download production, people continued to make money. We have several suppliers of stones in Russia, China and Thailand. From Thailand, we ordered a big batch of stones before the closing of the borders — lucky. Chinese suppliers are currently working at full strength, but delivery stuck at the border, the period was extended at least twice, and the price rebounded after the dollar. Some suppliers of stones in Moscow were forced to close due to the fact that they have no access to the office. Such a little, all basically trying to work even now. Production in Russia continue to work.In the first week of April there were no orders at all. People said directly that was left without a job and postpone the purchase. Our partners Poison Drop were forced to close retail stores, and at some point sales have stopped at all. But in the second half of April, all seemed to have recovered from the shock and sales recovered, we managed to repeat last year’s volume sales. I think we are lucky that we are working as a online project in the whole of Russia. We have no retail, no big loss. In may we began to sell their jewellery through a large reseller Lamoda, hope this will help to offset the overall decline.”Natalia Filatova, ECATRina ziborova
Jewelers quarantined How Russian brands are coping with isolation