In the past day are 525 people who were infected with the coronavirus, died in Italy.
It is the lowest figure recorded in the two weeks, inform the Italian authorities Sunday, according to AFP news agency.
A day before the number was 681.
In total, Italy has now registered 15.887 coronadødsfald, which is still higher than any other country in the world.
For the second day in a row, the number of patients in intensive care declining, the latest figures from the Italian health authorities.
There is Sunday 17 fewer patients admitted to the intensivafdelingerne, where there is a total of 3977 seriously ill coronapatienter.
on Saturday, this figure dropped for the first time since the epidemic broke out in Italy, the 21. February.
the Number of patients who reported the healthy, has increased by nearly four percent to a total 21.815, writes the news agency dpa
Italy has still 91.246 active cases. The figures cover patients who at present are sick of the coronavirus, but does not include the dead and the raskmeldte.
all in All, Italy has now registered button 129.000 cases of coronasmitte since the outbreak in February. The figure has increased by around 4300 in the course of the past day, a figure that has been fairly constant in recent days.