The US President Donald trump with his decrees against TikTok and WeChat jeopardize the sale of products of Apple in China. It is reported Bloomberg.
According to ban American leader, these apps can be distributed in the App Store, and all of the transactions associated with them will be blocked.
According to the publication, the app replaces your WeChat huge number of services: using it to make purchases, conduct various payments, use it for calls, email communication and “all forms of business and personal communication.” Must download WeChat and tourists, otherwise they risk to be unable to pay for even small purchases.
Thus, buyers in China will grow cold towards Apple products, if the devices will not be able to install WeChat. According to the results of one survey, the vast majority of citizens would refuse your gadget if it could not be install this app.
China accounts for about 20 percent of iPhone sales, so the removal of WeChat from the App Store will become a serious obstacle for the company, said the analyst Bloomberg Intelligence Anand Srinivasan.
7 Aug trump gave American companies 45 days to stop deals with companies-owners of the TikTok and WeChat in the us jurisdiction. The white house claims that Chinese apps threaten the national security of the United States. Trump has signed a decree on the background of the negotiations the American and Chinese Microsoft ByteDance about buying a TikTok.