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– It is true that we have a very small children here that are now located in the respirator. The child has the right to good, ” says Rainer Dörenberg, seksjonssjef on barneintensivavdelingen on Academic sjukhuset in Uppsala, to Aftonbladet.

It is currently unclear how the child was infected of the virus. It came to the children’s emergency department on Sunday with a laboured breathing, writes the newspaper.

the Child was born premature earlier in the year, but after having been discharged been a shorter period at home. Also the child’s family members are tested for covid-19, but the sample results are not yet clear.

43 children infected in Sweden

According to statistics from the Swedish Folkhälsomyndigheten has 43 persons between the ages of zero and nine years, to date, been confirmed infected by koronaviruset.

Also here in Norway, there has come some messages that young children have been infected by koronaviruset. In the last week wrote to VG about one month old Amalie, who had been infected.

Norwegian institute of public health in Norway does not provide alderstall for the infected. Instead operated it with age categories for persons who are hospitalized in the intensive care unit. On Monday, there were three people between 0 and 30 years on the Norwegian intensive care units.

Read also: Tegnell acknowledge that Sweden could have started action against the koronaviruset previous 477 dead

477 people have died in connection with the koronaviruset in Sweden, an increase of 76 in the past day. 590 people receive intensive care.

Of the dead is the 282 men and 195 women, showing Folkhälsomyndighetens daily update at 14 on Monday.

together are 7.206 people in Sweden are registered as infected by koronaviruset. That is an increase of 376 the last day.

In Sweden we have quite a few cases reported in the weekend and today. It must be interpreted with great care, because we know that we have a smaller filings during the weekends, ” says statsepidemiolog Anders Tegnell.

– The other nordic colleagues do not have the same problem

On today’s press conference about koronasituasjonen said Tegnell that smittesituasjonen on eldrehjem is something he is particularly concerned about right now.

Statsepidemiolog Anders Tegnell has fronted the Swedish korona strategy.


– It is a big concern, and a major reason for the increased death toll we see in Sweden today. When I talk with my nordic colleagues, so they do not have the same problem there, says Tegnell.

At the weekend reported the SVT that at least 406 older by 100 eldrehjem in Stockholm infected by koronavirus.

Infection by eldrehjem, however, is not an unknown issue in Norway. TV 2 reported before the weekend that there is a proven infection by about half of the defer in Oslo. Saturday, there were three deaths by eldrehjem in Oslo.

the municipality of Oslo had Sunday tested 609 residents at the nursing home for koronavirus, and 53 have been shown infection. 1.375 employees have been tested, and 97 of these have the virus.

Monday also died two residents at a care center and a eldrehjem in Kristiansand.

More about koronaviruset StatusRåd and infoSiste nyttSpør NRK Status NorgeSist updated: 06.04.20205758Smittet313Innlagt75DødeStatus for Norway