Increased costs: Film and TV producers are demanding higher broadcasting fees

The production companies are also suffering from the sharply rising costs for electricity and energy, for example. Because they are again expecting a drop in revenue, the producer alliance is said to have brought a short-term increase in the broadcasting fee into play.

Film and television producers in Germany are hoping for a short-term increase in broadcasting fees. The producer alliance approached the KEF chairman Martin Detzel and hopes for a special report, reports the “FAZ”, citing circles.

It was only last year that the broadcasting fee rose from 17.50 euros to 18.36 euros and the independent commission for determining the financial needs of broadcasters (KEF for short) had announced in February that public broadcasting would thus, despite the imponderables caused by the Corona -pandemic is sufficiently funded by 2024.

The approximately 900 film and television production companies in Germany apparently see things differently. According to statements by their managing director Björn Böhning, they warn of unplanned costs, including rising energy and fuel prices, expenditure for resource-saving filming and higher fees due to the increasing shortage of skilled workers, the FAZ further reports.

However, it is questionable whether they will be successful with their desire for an increased broadcasting fee. Actually, only the federal states can commission a KEF special report. In addition, the broadcasting contribution constitutionally only serves to finance the public broadcasters according to their needs and is not an economic promotion, emphasizes the FAZ and quotes the KEF boss Martin Detzel, who said in April that the KEF procedure was “not a wish-for-you-what-event “.