In Werdau, Saxony: Nursing home terminates all residents due to “massive shortage of nursing staff”

All 24 residents of a nursing home in Werdau, Saxony, have received notice to leave. They must leave the home by the end of June. The reason for this is the lack of nursing staff.

In the letter of termination, the “German Red Cross”, which runs the nursing home, explains the reason for the closure: “The massive shortage of nursing staff is also affecting the Zwickauer Land district association. In recent weeks, we have tried hard to find qualified nursing staff to be able to provide care and support.” The “Bild-Zeitung” newspaper reports on this.

The nursing home had room for 83 residents, but apparently only 24 people live there at the moment. They were recently looked after by a temporary employment agency. Once all residents have left the home, the building will be remodeled. This will create apartments for pensioners, who will then need fewer carers than before.

“Now the letter came. It’s a big shock for me,” said a pensioner, whose wife lived in the nursing home, to “Bild”. In the letter, the DRK recommended a prompt move to another care facility. “Now my Renate has to move again,” said the pensioner, regretting the end of the nursing home in Werdau, Saxony.