City clinical hospital named after M. P. Konchalovsky in Zelenograd began to accept patients who have been ill COVID-19 and want to become. The Department of transfusion medicine has already taken the first volunteers.
For the procurement of donor blood plasma in the transfusion Department has everything you need. The resulting plasma is in the process of pathogenically and frozen. In addition to the standard studies on the infection of blood samples tested for the presence of the coronavirus and antibodies thereto.
the Doctors in the transfusion note that. The antibodies remain in the body and continue to protect him from the virus. For patient safety, who will be assigned to the transfusion are used to inactivate pathogens in plasma. This allows you to prevent viruses and infections.
the Department of transfusion medicine of the hospital named Konchalovsky isolation has.
For donors, if required, the hospital organized a safe sanitary-epidemic mode. Pre-registration allows you to regulate the flow and provide the necessary distance between people.
to Sign up for assistance at municipal clinical hospital named after M. P. Konchalovsky is possible by phones: +7 (499) 735-32-93 and +7 (499) 734-23-43. You can also call the hotline: +7 (495) 870-45-16. The service runs daily from 09:00 to 19:00.
Donate plasma blood is also possible in the Institute of emergency care named after N. In. Sklifosovsky and the blood Center named after O. K. Gavrilov.
donor Day: where in Moscow to donate blood and plasma.
Donor plasma may be a man of age weighing at least 50 pounds, recover from coronavirus infection and without chronic diseases. Also the donor must have negative tests for HIV, hepatitis b and hepatitis C.
for outpatient treatment of coronavirus infection must be not less than 21 days from the date of first seeking medical help after discharge from hospital — not less than 14 days. On the day of donation, each donor is tested (thermometry, the collection of anthropometric data, full medical history and complete blood count).
Donors get. Blood donors with antibodies to COVID-19 can take from 300 to 600 milliliters of plasma and to obtain incentive payments from 2.5 to five thousand rubles, respectively. The decree was signed by mayor Sergei Sobyanin.
donors of plasma can. For this they need to apply from 09:00 to 19:00 on the hotline number: +7 (495) 870-45-16. The next day after that, become available a free trip. You can order a taxi by phone: +7 (495) 999-99-99 or through the app “Yandex.Taxi” using a specially crafted method of payment “Want to help”.
Donor plasma antibodies to COVID-19 free taxi ride to the blood drive