Deputies of the state Duma from party “Fair Russia” Fedot Tumusov and Dmitry Ionin proposed formally to stop blocking the messenger Telegram. The bill sent to the Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin and head of the Ministry for digital development, communications and mass communications of the Maksut Sadaebu, reports “Kommersant”.
According to the document, we are talking about the official unlock services that are used by government agencies to disseminate information during an alert or emergency. In particular, I am referring to Telegram. Despite the official blocking of the messenger, it is used overstay of Moscow and Moscow region the situation with coronavirus.
The authors of the bill emphasize that Telegram works without problems the majority of Russian users.
“In the case of their presence in the country formed a wide range of free tools to bypass locks” — they say.
According to Tumusova and grids, to further lock damage not the messenger, and the prestige of state power in Russia.