the state Duma adopted in the first reading the bill which clarifies that after the amendments to the Constitution will be considered a violation of territorial integrity, that is extremism. The question “will it be possible to move the border of the Russian Federation in their delimitation and demarcation” remains suspended. Although the text of the bill implies that it is possible.
“MK” wrote about this bill — the first of the hundreds, which the authorities are going to take in the development of new norms of the Constitution. On 14 July at the plenary hall, the position of the authors defended the head of the Duma Committee on state construction and the legislation Pavel Krasheninnikov (United Russia). Now in article 67 of the Basic law “explicitly States that it is prohibited the alienation of territory of the Russian Federation appeals and activities directed at it”, but “of course, the exception to the definition of the borders with neighboring countries,” he said. The current law “On countering extremist activities” also need to clarify: calls to land alienation and the appropriate steps are extremism — with the same caveat about the border.
Then Alex Chicken (Communist party) asked how “in the legal sense” is called “moving boundaries in the Khabarovsk territory and in favor of Norway” and whether as a result of delimitation and demarcation “in fact, to sell (so said. — “MK”) of the Southern Kuril Islands in favor of Japan”. Mr. Krasheninnikov immediately assured that “the alienation of the Islands impossible.” “What kind of exclusion are you talking about?” — strictly asked Mr. chicken-speaker Vyacheslav Volodin. Communist said vaguely that was supposedly “agreement”, and then “clarify”.
“why are We provoking this agenda? Less words, less time. Do you now the slander”, — severely reprimanded Mr. chicken the speaker. And then he said that “many Russian politicians” (the names were not named) publicly stated the need for the dismemberment of Russia, and now for them from a liability will be up to 10 years in prison. “None of Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands. What the President said about the donkey ears? Here let wait who dream” — concluded his speech Mr. Volodin, tearing applause of the hall.
the President, recall, as a promise “from a dead donkey ears” to those in Estonia who claims to Pytalovo district of the Pskov region.
meanwhile, the question Mr. chicken was not idle. The Constitution after amending it calls unacceptable “the actions directed on alienation of the territory of the Russian Federation” and calls for him — but “except for”, and it is written, “the delimitation, demarcation, redemarcation of the state border of the Russian Federation with the adjacent States”.
There is oil on the fire poured by Vice-speaker Igor Lebedev (LDPR). He asked will continue to do with those “calls to PR��connection to Russia those or other territories.” “From the point of view of logic that the alienation that the annexation is a violation of the territorial integrity”, — said the Deputy. And this question was not idle: the text of the discussed draft law proposes to consider extremism “violation of the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation (including the alienation of the territory of the Russian Federation)…”. By the way, to hold a referendum on accession to Russia the territories of the DNI, LC, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, recently proposed by the leader of one of the new parties, the writer Zakhar Prilepin.
Mr. Krasheninnikov said in response that the accession and disposal — different concepts, and they speak in this case about alienation.
“one of the Federal party, which says it will not recognize the will of the inhabitants of the Crimea, and believes that the Crimea is not Russian territory. Whether its activities fall under extremism with all the consequences such as suspension of activities and liquidation?” — asked Andrey Alshevskih (“ER”). But the question of whether now is a statement of fact of the illegality of criminal appeal or action aimed at violating the territorial integrity of Russia, and remained outstanding.
Then g-n Piskarev reminded that the criminal code allows to draw criminal responsibility and those who have committed crimes outside the Russian Federation, even foreigners. “Especially with our Ukrainian colleagues. Statements in respect of the Crimea, which they will do will entail punishment under the laws of the Russian Federation, we will be able to demand their extradition to our country. Many hot shots will we chill, perhaps,” again came into the discussion the speaker. And added that it concerns the citizens of all the States and the Baltic States, and the United States in particular.
Representatives of all factions supported the bill. Only Sergey Ivanov (LDPR) said that was unable to clarify Mr. Chicken: the agreement between the Russian Federation and Kingdom of Norway on the Maritime delimitation, he said, led to the fact that Norway got half the disputed waters, and China was passed in the delimitation and demarcation of boundaries of multiple Islands. According to the Deputy, the bill derived from the responsibility of those who theoretically can with the delimitation and demarcation of borders to give our territory.
the Vote can be considered unanimous (382 “for”), except for one abstention. It was Mr. Ivanov.