the Exposition was renewed for the 180th anniversary of the composer, and the original version of this exhibition dedicated to the life and work of Tchaikovsky was opened in 2015 to its 175th anniversary. The author of the exposition was Polina Weidmann Weidmann, one of the world’s experts on creativity of Tchaikovsky. The name was then chosen by chance: in 1891, Tchaikovsky, returning from a triumphant tour in the United States, decided to create a Symphony with the symbolic title “the Life” which summed up his whole career. This plan he never implemented, but managed to make programmatic outline for his unfinished essay, which are a reflection of the whole of the composer’s life: enthusiasm, desire to work and love go into disappointment and “fading”.

the Curator of the exhibition date was the head of the manuscript collections of the house of Tchaikovsky Ada Ainbinder. The new version of the original documents was supplemented by multimedia technology, visual and audio content that is completely immersed in the world of the great composer from the first years of his life until his death from touching children’s doodles into bound volume of correspondence to parents of posthumous plaster mask.

From the first minute the visitors of the exhibition presents a kaleidoscope of Tchaikovsky’s life in all its manifestations: “animated” image on the interactive screens, drawings, cartoons, letters, books, lifetime editions of vocal scores and scores of posters and photographs of people with whom was associated the Tchaikovsky in different periods. Conceptual selected color scheme, in which exposition, takes place from light to fatal debonair-dark, tragic tones. On the walls are excerpts from letters, statements of Tchaikovsky’s own and people close to him and randomly “slices” of what happened in the period when the composer lived.

the Musical works of Tchaikovsky, his life presented at the exhibition exhaustively, from the first extant musical autograph of the composer of the song “My genius, my angel, my friend…” – to the most valuable manuscripts of the Sixth Pathetique Symphony. And, of course, constantly in the hall music: living together with Tchaikovsky his life, the visitor listens to fragments of his piano and orchestral works, and put on the headphones, you can listen to his songs and excerpts from operas “Mazepa” and “maid of Orleans” to explore his thesis work, created during his studies at the Conservatory and watch a video excerpt from the famous production of “Eugene Onegin” by Dmitry Chernyakov. Sounds on display, and the voice of Tchaikovsky, who came to us in the records 130 years ago, made for the phonograph, Edison was one of the first in the history of sound recording apparatus.

the updated version of the exhibition appeared the so-called creative laboratoria Tchaikovsky, where, watching the film and having music manuscripts, referring to the example of the famous Aria of Hermann from “the Queen of spades – “What is our life? Game!” to see “inside” the creative process of a genius to see how the initial sketches of the musical idea becomes a masterpiece.

a presentation of the updated exhibition took place on the day of saints Peter and Paul, in honor of the birthday of Tchaikovsky: traditionally in this date in the Park Wedge festive celebrations, organized horseback riding. This year from-for a difficult situation with the pandemic all the entertainment had to cancel, but at the yard Tchaikovsky traditionally held a prayer service. And then in the concert hall of the Museum on the occasion of the opening of the exhibition were the young winners of the Tchaikovsky competition, among them pianist Sofya Menshikov, the clarinet player Erik Mirzoyan, the violinist Ravil islyamov. Re-presentation of the exhibition is planned for July 31 – the opening day of the music festival Tchaikovsky.