the truce of Spring, autumn, summer, off-season – the Donbas is already tired to count them. And here again – from the night of 27 July in Donetsk, Lugansk and the surrounding area… silence. There is a regime of complete cease-fire. For how long? This Ukraine, Russia and the OSCE agreed in the framework of the Trilateral contact group. According to the decision of the parties, the current truce should be observed until full settlement of the armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine. But when this happens – the war lasted for seven years. And whether you believe in the cessation of the civil bloodshed themselves the Donetsk team? Because every previous truce was declared under the same slogans.

“Yes, we have regularly announced the truce, – said Andrey Sedov, the head of consulting and legal center, “War and peace”. – Last year, was afraid of children in the summer do not have time to take in the Russian camp. Throughout June until the beginning of July shot… Then by August was quiet. Remember, Donetsk students got on a tour in Prokhorovka, on the Kursk bulge. The guide began to tell on the weapons and how the Nazis used, and our children like, “And we are now firing”. And immediately became quiet and clear – where they are.”

locals say nothing to this day has not changed. On the eve of “full and final truce” summary of DNI for July 26 to look like this: “in the Morning ukry fired: POS W-you Trudovskaya: (120mm, 82mm), the settlement of Kominternovo (120 mm), n. p. Cool Beam (120 mm), n Brown (82 mm, LNG, KK machine guns, small), n. p. Vasylivka (82 mm, KK guns). Mm is the mortars.

Here is how wrote about the upcoming pacification of the former Minister of defence of the DNI (summer-14) Igor Strelkov in social networks: “the Day ukry fired: airport, candy bar (152 mm, small). From the evening till 22 hours ukry fired periodically: Red Partisan, Volvo Center, the airport and the settlement Spartak, yabp (82 mm, KK machine guns, small).

P. S. “Goat truce? Unilateral withdrawal “cases” of heavy equipment? Not-e-e, not heard!”

consistently artillery wound up his song at four in the morning. “Though sometimes, by day, – says a resident of Donetsk Olga. – In principle, no one believes that silence here is long.”

“I believe that Zelensky has no other choice but to once again try to muddy the story of the truce, – says Larisa Shesler, the Chairman of the Union of political emigrants and political prisoners in Ukraine. – More recently, he was ready to reconsider and to completely abandon the Minsk agreements, to fight to the bitter end, but the position of Kiev was extremely negatively perceived in Europe and Zelensky had to revise their views and move closer, the support from Merkel, he has not received. However, any optimism about the current p��of ukrasheniya fire I do not cherish. Ukraine many times already and Poroshenko, and now with Zelensky had violated its agreement”.

of Course, you have to understand that at the moment of the President of Ukraine is extremely weak on all fronts, and if a year ago, he had carte Blanche, unreal received 73% support from the electorate, but now this fantastic benefits almost nothing left.

Zelensky, like the servant of several masters, you have to run between the desires of the Ukrainian nationalists from the influence of which during this time did not manage to get rid of; requirements extremely tired from troubled Ukraine Europe; trying to find common ground with Putin, without which in the context of Donbass is still not enough; and even to appease his own people, who over the past year for some reason, we did not live better…

I guess The EU and Ukraine would suit the introduction of the UN peacekeeping force in the troubled territory of the South-East. But here categorically against themselves unconquered inhabitants of Donbass: “If we impose a contingent of the United Nations, first of all in order to close the DNR and LNR from Russia – then we are waiting for a slow death.”

And what of Russia itself in the context of the declared cease-fire?

“Today, Russia is pushing for a kind of gambit, said Alexei Krasilnikov, public figure, candidate to head DNR in 2014 year, the former Minister of economy of the Republic of Donetsk. – On the one hand, Russia can not recognize the DNI and LC not only in the coming years, but even in the coming decades, for the same reason that Armenia does not recognize Nagorno-Karabakh’s independence. If you recognize these republics, it will automatically go against the entire international community, and this in turn can lead to serious military conflict in the Western countries and Russia. The ideal model for Russia, all of Ukraine was friendly to her, so she was not in NATO and the EU, on its territory was not enemy troops. But this model is now under great question. You have to face yourself sober report that today Ukraine may not be friendly. But, at least, it should not be the enemy. And from the point of view of solving this problem Donbas conflict can perform some limiting task. While smoldering this conflict, I am sure, Ukraine can’t join NATO”.

within a few hours of the truce as the Ukrainian side has already stated about the alleged recorded attacks by militia DNI in the first hour from the moment of entry into force of additional measures on strengthening control of the current indefinite ceasefire. DNR authorities refute this information.