The Federal service for supervision in the sphere of Telecom, information technologies and mass communications (Roskomnadzor) will no longer insist on restricting access to Telegram messenger. It is reported by its press service.
It said that the founder of telegram, Pavel Durov expressed readiness to counter terrorism and extremism, Roskomnadzor considers it to be positive and removes the requirements for restricting access to messenger in agreement with the General Prosecutor’s office of Russia.
“Ready to work with all Internet companies operating in the country, to promptly prevent the spread of terrorist and extremist information, child pornography, propaganda of suicide and drugs”, — stated in the message.
Also it mentioned that on average in a week by Russian and foreign Internet companies and remove 2.5 thousand materials that promote suicidal behavior, 1,3 thousands of materials of extremist and terrorist nature, 800 materials promoting use of illegal substances, and on where you purchased, 300 of materials with pornographic images of minors.