For the past month in the capital city closed museums and galleries. Nevertheless, “Kommersant Style” continues to tell about the artistic life in isolation. In the new issue — Julia Lenin, who left corporate business to become a professional artist. Inspiring example for those who decide after the quarantine to change their fate.Julia Lenin engaged in painting, mixed techniques and collage. He attended art school in Saratov in childhood, and then chose a technical University to get the diploma of the programmer. However, she was attracted to the art. Working in the it sector and sales for 15 years, in 2015, she started painting again. In 2019 fully retired from corporate business to become a professional artist. Julia currently lives and works in Moscow. Her work is in private collections in Russia, Ukraine and Turkey.— In early April I was scheduled for an exhibition of collages at the art space of the Cube.Moscow, but now she tolerated, unfortunately, indefinitely. Now I am in isolation to minimize contact with loved ones and other people. On the one hand, there is nothing to worry, because by nature I’m an introvert and can’t get out of the house for several days. On the other hand, is still enforced isolation and restriction of movement is one of serious stress for the person. However, such events make you different to comprehend what is happening and to explore themselves and their reactions to stress and changes in external circumstances.I decided to use this time usefully, I bought a Harper’s Bazaar magazine and made it 60 collages literally in three days. It turned out my first series of collages. I threw in these collages all the emotions, translating them thus, creative energy, and called this series “Sublimation” (the part of the collages from this series plan to show at a future exhibition in the gallery Sense).If in his paintings, I turn most often to semi-abstract landscapes, the collages I’m completely in abstraction. Primarily I work with color, and then with form and texture. Abstraction helps me Express what I feel at the moment. Generally, the process of making a collage is very similar to meditation, moreover, involved fine motor skills that is very soothing.The second part of the collage that will be presented at the exhibition— from the series “I used to the sun.” It was made in January—February this year, when I was in a new city. Your emotions about new situations and meeting new people, I expressed in these collages. In some way a series of “I’m getting used to the sun” resonates with the series ��Sublimation”: they both explore the theme of inner self and the emotions of people caught in a new situation. They’re both about adapting to new circumstances. I understand about interesting things, I’m very quick to adapt and try to turn the tide in their favor. This is a useful quality for humans, especially for the artist. In our area a very high level of uncertainty, and similar crises and disasters it only increase. So you need to find ways to cope with stress and translate it into creative energy.And now during the forced isolation I am again working on a new series of collages. Despite the fact that my collages were created in a rather difficult moments, they are bright and warm. They are about hope, faith and trust in the world of any situation, you can take something good.
“In our area, a very high level of uncertainty” Category Art Saves about artists in isolation: Julia Lenin, the Sense gallery in art space Cube.Moscow