According to the woman, her husband became ill, help arrived “fast” but doctors failed to save him. Each journalist, philanthropist, Ennio Bordato confirmed in an interview with RIA Novosti that Giulietto Chiesa recently underwent surgery, and all hoped for the best, but complications made themselves felt.
Already a Mature journalist Chiesa worked as a correspondent of Unita and La Stampa in Moscow, found the “restructuring”, describing in his stories the metamorphosis that took place in the eyes of the world with the Soviet state. He was the author of not only publications, but also many books about the USSR and the new Russia, translated into different languages. In 2004, Chiesa was elected to the European Parliament, advocated the preservation of friendly relations with Moscow. He also co-wrote the acclaimed film “9/11. The investigation from scratch”, which introduced its version of the attacks of 11 September 2001 in new York.