However, reminiscent of the Federal cadastral chamber, a prerequisite of remote transaction, involving the transfer of ownership in favor of another individual is the presence in the Unified state register of real estate (egrn) write about the possibility of registration of ownership of using enhanced qualified electronic signature. In other words, in order to issue the transaction of purchase and sale or donation of real estate in electronic form, its owner must submit to the registration authority for the rights of paper a statement about the possibility of registration of the transfer of rights with the use of electronic signatures. The owner must write himself or through a legal representative to provide such a statement or through MFC mail.
within five business days after the filing of such statements egrn an entry on the possibility of registration of transfer of ownership on the basis of documents signed with an electronic signature and submitted in electronic form remotely. At the owner’s discretion, this permission may extend to one object, and on all owned real estate. To terminate records in the egrn in a declarative manner at the request of the owner or by court order.
If this entry in the egrn is missing, the documents submitted remotely by participants in the transaction, will be returned to the registration authority for rights without consideration. And the deal will not happen.
But if the statement about the transfer of ownership are the notaries or state agencies that interact with on registration of rights in electronic form, to write a statement is not necessary. You do not require any permission in egrn, if the parties to the Treaty addressed through a credit institution, interacting with on registration of rights in electronic form. Finally, this rule does not apply if the property owner is the holder of certificate of electronic signature produced by the certification authority of the Federal cadastral chamber.
By law, the certificate of the electronic signature to obtain public services can produce and issue the accredited certifying centers. Only in Russia there are now about 500 public and commercial certification authorities, accredited by the Ministry of communications and create e-signature certificates.
however, only the holders of the certificates of the electronic signature from the certification authority of the Federal cadastral chamber have the right to conclude a remote real estate transaction without requiring the filing of written consent for use of electronic signatures. This exception is based on secure identity centsRA Cadastral chamber and its certificates of electronic signature provides a high level of protection of owners from potential fraud risks.
the Owners of certificates of electronic signature produced by the certification authority Cadastral chamber, also free to obtain various state and municipal services. Using electronic signatures can, for example, from home to notarize documents for remote work, to enroll a child in kindergarten or school, apply for admission to the University, fill out a form for a passport, register a car, get a tin to file tax return, track, traffic fines, to issue tax deduction when buying or selling real estate, to get a statement from the egrn, to put the land on the cadastral registration, to register the ownership of car spaces and much more.
in order to obtain the certificate of the electronic signature certification center Cadastral chamber, you need to register on the website to submit request in personal account and pay for the service. To create a digital signature certificate need a passport, SNILS, INN. The entrepreneurs also provide primary state registration number of record about state registration of physical persons as SP, the representative of the legal person – the documents confirming powers on actions on behalf of a legal entity.
Next, you need to pass the procedure of identity at the point of provision of the service. You can also order a specialist in a convenient location. The identification process confirms the receipt of the electronic signature certificate is the legal owner. To clarify the possible date and time of admission associated with the applicant employee of certification authority. During the procedure the staff followed all the preventive measures, including that they are provided with personal protective equipment. For the comfort and safety of the citizens of the Cadastral chamber have also introduced a pre-entry for the procedure in the offices of the Department.
Unlike the process of obtaining a digital signature certificate in Cadastral chamber from other certification authorities is that after ID completed certificate can be obtained only in the personal Cabinet on the official website of the certification centre of the Cadastral chamber. Thus, no one other than the rightful owner will not get access to the newly created certificate. The validity of the electronic signature certificate of the Cadastral chamber is 15 months.
the certification authority of the Federal cadastral chamber began work in July 2016. During operation, issued more than 125 thousand certificatesikat qualified electronic signature.