In Austria: the car fell 30 meters: the dog freed itself from the car and saved the owner

A 29-year-old driver left the road while drunk and fell 30 meters with his car. His dog was there too, and he got himself out of the car and called for help.

With the help of his dog, a drunk driver was rescued after a serious accident on a mountain road in Salzburger Land. The 29-year-old had left the road with his dog in the car on the way back from an alpine hut in Rauris in the Seidlwinkeltal, as the Austrian police announced on Friday. The car fell 30 meters and rolled over several times.

The dog is said to have freed itself from the car after the accident on Friday night and ran back to the street. A driver spotted him there. The man found the owner’s badly damaged vehicle and alerted the mountain rescue service. The 29-year-old was reportedly taken to the hospital with injuries. An alcohol test on him showed 1.1 per mille.