State media in Belarus, including the main Belarusian news Agency BelTA has published in his telegram channels reference to an anonymous the material “Who prepares the Maidan in Belarus?”, available online on the platform Medium. Unknown author, referring to the secret services, claims that the Maidan in Belarus is preparing the Russian “elite”, or rather, oligarchy and raw materials. The scenario of the coup allegedly was written 4 years ago. And “leaked” his Western colleagues of the Belarusian counterintelligence.

“Even back in 2016, the liberal wing raw Russian elite matured the idea to remove Lukashenko from power and put their man in control of Western province,” — says the publication. It’s called specific names. Very famous names of Russian politicians, officials, businessmen, political strategists. However, anonymous says that the real customers of the overthrow Lukashenka are still Western elites.

let’s Leave on conscience of the author voiced names, passwords, secret. All this is true or not doesn’t matter. Even without any exclusive security services, you have to be blind not to notice the large-scale information of “collision” in Belarusian old Man by Pro-government Russian media. Doesn’t really matter who lights the “star”, it is important that it is someone in Moscow to do.

I do not think that politics need to be a prude. In fact, to change people’s government to put all its people is a useful thing for the interests of the Fatherland. All the great powers engaged in it. It is important not to confuse the interests of the Fatherland with the interests of others. However, blinded by the myth of some unbreakable Alliance and everlasting partnership with the West, the political elite of post-Communist Russia repeatedly made this mistake.

At the beginning of zero years, the President of Georgia, the old, experienced political “heavyweight”, a former member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU and Minister of foreign Affairs of the USSR Eduard Shevardnadze, who stood at the head of the former fraternal republics of Moscow, started to irritate the Kremlin. As we would say today, had “lost confidence”. And it was because of what Russia when the young President Putin is actively engaged in restoring “constitutional order” in Chechnya. Militants fleeing from Federal forces searched for (and found) shelter in Georgia. And not only on the territory of the Pankisi gorge, but even in the capital. So, one of the famous Chechen field commanders, Ruslan Gelayev during his unsuccessful “Abkhazian campaign” was wounded taken out of Svaneti in the Georgian helicopter and received treatment at one of the Tbilisi hospitals. Even argue that he met with Shevardnadze personally. Tbilisi has refused to extradite to Russia the Chechen rebels, on the grounds that their location had alwaysknown, and indeed the evidence of their illegal activities is not presented. All this was perceived by Moscow as an attraction of unprecedented arrogance.

However, the Soviet Union collapsed, and Shevardnadze was no longer any head of a Union Republic or one of the Russian governors, and dismiss it, the Kremlin could not. Although the White Fox came to power in Georgia in part on Russian bayonets (more precisely, on the bayonets of then still Soviet military intelligence), he did not consider himself bound to RF to any specific obligations. By the way, his rise to power in Georgia is also very instructive: Moscow believed his main problem was half mad nationalist Gamsakhurdia, a member of the Politburo was to her as if “his”. However, this “as if your” led the Georgia straight to the door of NATO, which had only to knock. And now he was a problem of the Kremlin.

But Shevardnadze was a man of the old Soviet training, in addition, he was a pragmatist and understood that without the Russian market, without its oil and gas Georgia at risk of poverty. This dual nature of Chevy does not suit the West. He was not quite to your West. Needed a leader of the new generation with Western education, Western wife, nurtured in the greenhouses of the non-governmental sector. And this person is found.

it was easy to convince Moscow that the overthrow of Shevardnadze and the coming to power of Saakashvili in its interests. The then part of the Russian political elite to do it was easy. Saakashvili’s uncle, a graduate of MGIMO, was in Moscow well connected. The Kremlin promised that Saakashvili “clean” the Pankisi gorge and will take into account the interests of Moscow in the Chechen question. What else is needed for happiness?

In the light of our present knowledge much of what has caused the confusion becomes clear. And the visit to Tbilisi Minister of foreign Affairs Igor Ivanov, who warmly welcomed the revolutionary people and persuaded Shevardnadze to resign. And his subsequent visit to Batumi, where he took the rebel leader of Adjara Aslan Abashidze. And contemptuous silence from Moscow in response to a request from Abashidze to send troops to protect autonomy. And the strange fact that the leaders of the “rose revolution” has supported the forces, who was considered Pro-Russian and almost “Pro-Soviet”. Yes, it was dominated by the idea that the main thing now is the whole world to overthrow Shevardnadze, and then… and then, as we know, Russia was left holding the bag. American Embassy in Tbilisi taxis, to the extent that hosted the meetings of the authorities and the opposition, and discusses the changes in the Georgian Constitution.

Georgia has turned into a unsinkable us aircraft carrier at the Russian border, drifting farther and farther away from our common past. And the problems that we had with her when Sewardadze, now seem childish.

Success inspired. Lost to Georgia — would not have lost and Ukraine. There were already a Domino effect.

And before that Moscow is convinced that it is not necessary to support Slobodan Milosevic. Because it is bad. The dictator and all. During the Kosovo crisis in the Moscow liberal press jamb was the publication of the fact that the Serbs are Russian actually not brothers. They are traitors and parasites. Most importantly for our Western partners at the time was what? Correctly, were sitting quietly and twitching, while the partners deal with Serbia. Moreover, Moscow successfully (from the standpoint of NATO) was used to exert pressure on Milosevic. This “honourable” role went to ex-Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin, the former in 1999, the personal representative of President Boris Yeltsin in negotiations on the settlement of the Yugoslav crisis. He walked up to her creatively. Viktor is not only fully agreed with the American draft agreement meant to Belgrade “surrender on humiliating conditions” (according to the historian Elena Guskova), but also forced Milosevic to sign the document, threatening a continuation of NATO bombing and the fact that Belgrade will soon be half a million dead. In addition, the leader of the Serbs made it clear that if he persists to fight against NATO, he is alone — no support from Russia will not. The other party to these talks, General Leonid Ivashov, says that Chernomyrdin acted contrary to the instructions received from Yeltsin. All this did not prevent a Russian newspaper to come out in those days with the title “Chernomyrdin brought Serbia peace.” Just like Chamberlain, who brought the British world in the form of the Munich agreement before world war II. Then disgraced Milosevic was overthrown during a color revolution and extradited to the Hague that Kosovo’s independence was recognized and set up us military base Bondsteel. USA received an “unsinkable aircraft carrier” in the Balkans, complete control over the communications of the region and an excellent springboard to implement any of their ideas. Russian politicians got the opportunity to write their memoirs about how they were making history on the wings of the Americans.

But Russian Pinocchio still can not calm down, continues to sow the field of miracles American gold coins in the hope to harvest. Now it was the turn of Belarus. Today, close to the Kremlin and Russian media have already written about the “Belarusian nahlebnichestve”, which allegedly will soon finish the new generation of Russian managers. “The brotherly country of Belarus will be considered as long” (this is not the late Brzezinski is a Russian “military expert”). Nothing new has come up. As well as brought down the Soviet Union, now knocked RossiISCO-Belarusian Union, playing on the instincts of the average man, infinitely figuring out who is whose fat eaten. Lukashenko, of course, is no angel. As was no angel and Milosevic. But it is infinitely far from the beloved American “son of a bitch”, the Haitian dictator Papa Doc françois Duvalier. They say its “death squads” — TONTON-makuty for the year killed 500 people. But this did not prevent the Americans dearly love him and to generously Fund, highlighting actually “pocket money” of $ 15 million per year. But the US was not the only one customer, and all wanted money.

I think that Lukashenka has a chance to resist even if the opposition manages to organize in Minsk a full-fledged independence. But let’s say that he will not stand and will drop the power out of his hands. In whose hands it will fall? In the situation which has developed in Belarus, it can fall only in the hands of some local Yushchenko or Saakashvili. Because there is simply no other. And again, our Pinocchio will work “warming up” from overseas partners. Their role will be to put pressure (as Chernomyrdin put pressure on Milosevic) or to take (as Igor Ivanov took Abashidze). And the harvest from the Field of miracles will gather others. Because the Field of miracles, as you know, is in the Country of fools.