Last weekend, on 25 and 26 April, hosted the finals of international competitions on ethical hacking CTFZone 2020. As a result of persistent struggle the first three places were taken by teams from Russia and China. The Russian participants, who became winners, received the right to compete in the final of the DEF CON CTF.At competitions of CTF (Capture The Flag) team to solve practical problems in the field of cyber security to get a unique sequence of characters: “flag”. CTFZone is a qualifying round of the largest international CTF tournament DEF CON CTF, who has 30 years in Las Vegas. This means that the team that wins the finals CTFZone automatically gets a place in the final of the DEF CON CTF. There are now only six tournaments on cybersecurity, over which you can get to the final DEF CON, and CTFZone is one of them. The qualifying CTFZone in November, which was attended by more than 1,000 teams from 84 countries, in the finals, the best 10: from Russia, China, Italy, USA, Poland and Japan. With 6 of them included in the ten best teams in the world according to the international rating of participants of CTF competitions CTFtime.The final competition was held online in the format Attack/Defense: each team was given a dedicated server or a small network to maintain its operation and protection. During the game the teams were gaining points for correct operation of the services, its servers and stolen from the servers of rivals “flags”. To quickly locate as many vulnerabilities in the services of the opponents and simultaneously repel the attacks on their own infrastructure, the participants had to have knowledge in many areas: from security web applications to applied cryptography and reverse engineering. As a result, 24-hour struggle the prize Fund of 18 thousand dollars is shared by the teams from Russia and China, which occupied the first three places. The Russian team, which took first place, received the right to participate in the DEF CON CTF finals.”For us CTFZone is always a challenge. We try a very responsible approach to the organization of competitions, to ensure the smooth operation of our infrastructure. This year, in addition to classic services, we have come up with an assignment for security of mobile platforms, as well as service rendering. The commands in real time to see how they write the algorithms for attacking each other and which one is more efficient. These services are unique to classic CTF competitions, and many participants noted that this made the competition particularly interesting,” — said the Director of the unit expert services BI.ZONE Evgeny Voloshin.
In a bitter struggle. The team from Russia won the competition CTFZone 2020