the Backlog of cases is bad for legal certainty, believe Dommerforeningens president.
Criminal cases are cancelled, the judgments will be delayed, and many not yet convicted varetægtsarrestanter get the prolonged stay in jail.
Hundreds of cases piling up in the judicial system due to the ongoing coronakrise. It writes Politiken.
Since the closure of Denmark 13. march has lawyer Mette Grith Stage, who is head of a law firm with 12 lawyers, only to a limited extent been given the opportunity to defend clients in the courts.
– We’ve got cancelled hundreds of cases. Lots of cases with only a single accused is cancelled. Virtually everything from the 13. march, she says to Politiken.
on Wednesday extended the commission the jurisdiction of the emergency response up to 10. may.
the Agency will provide to Politiken, that there is not yet an overview of the number of exposed trials.
A krisestab with three presidents in the lead up, and they need to put a plan in place for how to handle the cases, when it again is possible.
most dishes runs the grundlovsforhør, the application and other matters, as may be determined in writing or electronically, writes Politiken.
the Backlog of cases is bad for legal certainty, considers among other Dommerforeningens president, Mikael Sjöberg.
He assures that the courts are trying to get settled so many lawsuits as possible during emergencies.
But dommerformanden is also concerned about the consequences of the shutdown.
– legal Certainty is also a matter of time, so, of course, affects the certainty that the many cases now have to be delayed.
– Both the people who are accused of a crime, and the injured in criminal proceedings the need to get clarification, he says to Politiken.
Justice minister Nick Hækkerup (S) writes in an email response to the ministry together with the various authorities to follow the development of “best possible that could have addressed the problems of the future”.