To prevent the spread of coronavirus infection in the Metropolitan veterinary clinics adopted a series of preventive measures. The premises are bactericidal recirculators for air disinfection and dispensers with antiseptic. A regular cleaning with use of disinfectants. Visitors are required to observe a minimum distance of 1.5 meters.

Hospital staff is provided with all necessary personal protective equipment: masks and gloves. At the beginning of each day the staff measure the temperature. People with fever are not allowed to work and sent to a medical facility.

Currently, to aid domestic animals in the state veterinary clinics of Moscow employs more than 130 veterinary specialists.

of How to obtain dental services

State veterinary clinics of Moscow work by appointment. Residents of the capital in advance is recommended to consult the veterinarian by phone and do not schedule a visit unless absolutely necessary. To enroll in a vet, you can use or mobile application “public Services of Moscow”. If the clinic is closed, it will appear in the system and will be shown hospitals that work.

For a consultation with a specialist, you can call emergency veterinary assistance: +7 (495) 612-04-25. On the same phone, if necessary you can call the vet at home.