How to come out of the street residents in different regions of Russia

How to come out of the street residents in different regions of Russia

Residents of the capital will assign QR codes through, said the head of the Department of information technology of Moscow Eduard Lysenko. Experts are sure that the portal mayor (the site of the Moscow government services) will not collapse even during peak load. Working inhabitants of capital who do not already have account on makes sense to start it now. Fill in the profile is more than 50 percent. In the code will contain information that the citizen has the right to leave the house. For example, to work. There are several options to use the code. It can be downloaded to the phone and then show relying on the screens of gadgets. But you can print out and always carry with you. According to the same principles of life will be arranged in the new realities in Moscow, announced last night the Governor of the region Andrey Vorobyov is in the air “Russia-1”. As you read these lines, programmers are working to create user-friendly electronic platform that will quickly make a pass to everyone who needs it. According to estimates Vorobyov, everything will be ready no later than Monday, April 6.

Photo: Sergey Nikolaev How volunteers help people to move insulation

Much earlier in Moscow will launch a mobile app for patients COVID-19, it’s called “Social monitoring”. It will get patients who will be treated for the coronavirus in the house – those in the capital are already 550 people, as the Deputy mayor of Moscow for social Affairs Anastasia Rakova. The program is designed primarily for law enforcement – it allows you to see, observe whether the patients mode of self-isolation. If the patient leaves the apartment, the app will immediately give a signal about it. Not fixed route, and the fact that the patient walked out of the house in violation of the regime. The app will periodically ask fothe user is required just to make sure that the user is near his phone.

As stated in the air “Russia-1” Moscow region Governor Andrei Vorobyov, Moscow and the Moscow region are parallel course in the fight against coronavirus. He dispelled rumors about the possible termination of transport communication between the two regions. According to Mr. Vorobyov, Moscow and the Moscow region, in spite of everything will remain a single agglomeration, and no fences and checkpoints of the city are not.

No checkpoints and “papers” in Moscow and the Moscow region will not be only convenient electronic label:

a movement Control in a pandemic are engaged in many regional governments. For example, to inhabitants of Tatarstan to become an owner of a pass, it is necessary to obtain a digital code. First on a free SMS number 2590 to send a message: REGISTRATION#last Name first name middle Name#series and number of passport#place of residence. In response come SMS with a code. Next you need to write another message with text “Target” and add the other code – the reasons why you need to get out of the house. The phone receives the SMS with the third code is a permission and an indication of its validity period. This is the code and will need to show the police if they stop you. The correspondent of “RG” wanted to try out the system. It turned out that while it works in test mode. The pass code could not be obtained.

Photo: Alexander Korolkov/WG Anna Popova: the Russian Federation yet the explosive rise in the incidence of coronavirus

In Ufa introduced the plastic badges with perforated and personal numbering. Give them away primarily doctors, police, employees of Regardie, employees of oil refineries, bakeries, shops, pharmacies. For the SMAisih cities and regions will be enough help from the employer. Plastic badges began to be issued on 1 April. Passes with hologram appeared in the Astrakhan region. Holograms will look like the tax stamps, they need to get into the headquarters for the prevention of coronavirus and stick on a special pass. Will give out stickers to heads of organizations. And they provide their employees. Stickers will be produced in Astrakhan, they will be several degrees of protection. First, the employer must download the form of admission on the official portal of legal information of the area. You must print, fill out, sign and stamp. Then the head of the company should indicate the name of the organization, number of employees, telephone, INN, activity and location. And to specify, who exactly requires a special sticker. After receiving special permits of Astrakhan will be free to travel to work and back on a bus replacement service. As reported by “RG” in a press-service Ministry of internal Affairs of the Astrakhan region, except for special permits must have a photo ID.

a Special badge with a hologram that is similar to the tax stamps, began to issue in the Astrakhan region. A Sakhalin refused to QR codes

“For going out on the street unnecessarily, the police have written 16 penalties – said the press service. – Now the penalty for citizens makes from 500 roubles to one thousand. But the state Duma adopted amendments, according to which the punishment is increased”. Sakhalin authorities initially planned to use QR codes for citizens during the regime of isolation. But then refused this idea. The government of the region acknowledged that at this stage the introduction of such technology is impractical. The residents of the island region is not required for digital badges to exit the house. But the workers are vitally important organizations that have the right to move freely around human settlements, put it in a special database. It will include medical and emergency services, government, law and order, shops with the Essentials and pharmacies. In Yakutia, also while there are easy ways of control. As recognized authorities in the region, “at this stage a much more effective will video calling citizens from employers and social services. So we will ensure that people actually comply with the regime of isolation”.